Mezou Shouji | Movie Night

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It was typical for you and Shouji to have movie nights on Friday. You guys decided that having a movie night was the best way to relieve yourselves from the stress of school.

Tonight's movie night was going to be at Shouji's house since you guys went to your house last week.

Plopping onto his couch, Shouji went to his room to grab a jar of movie genre. Shouji suggested this because it takes forever for you two to decide on one movie.

"(L/N) pick from the jar" he said as he hands the 'movie' jar towards you. You stuck your hand in and pick out a slip of paper.

"80's horror" you smirked. Placing the paper back into the jar and shaking it to mix it up, you then headed over to make some popcorn.

"You're not going to get scared are you Shouji?" you teased as you brought out the popcorn. Shouji turned on the TV and went to the 'Horror' section on Netflix.

"Psh, you wish. You get scared quite easily so I believe you're the one that's going to get scared" stated Shouji.

"Oh why don't we bet on it? If I get scared you have to do whatever I say for the rest of the week and vice versa. Do we got ourselves a deal?" you smirked as you extended your arm. He willing accepted as he shook your hand.

The movie that the two of you have selected was 'A Nightmare On Elm Street.' Playing the movie, you suddenly had a craving for some ice cream. Since you and Shouji were quite close, you comfortably raided his freezer for some ice cream.

Grabbing the whole tub, you took a spoon and went back to the movie.

Halfway through the movie, you were getting a tad bit scared. And just when you thought that, a jump scare appears.

"AHHHHHHH" you screamed as you drop the empty tub and jump onto Shouji's lap, hugging him.

"I guess I win the bet" laughed Shouji as he takes you off of his lap with a terrified expression on your face.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Can we change the movie please? This one was too scary and if I see another jump scare, I'm going to jump right out of my skin" you said as you stuffed popcorn into your mouth.

"Fine, let's watch Indiana Jones" said Shouji as he changes the movie.

"No I don't want to watch Indiana Jones" you complained as you tried to take the remote from him but ends up falling on the floor.

"Then what do you want to watch?" he asked and you roll around the floor thinking.

"I. Want. To. Watch... (Favourite Movie!)" you chirped as you sat back on the couch.

"We watched that a million times. You know what, let's watch 'Friday the 13th'" he suggested.

"Friday the 13th? What's that?" you asked. Shouji suddenly had a magnificent idea.

"It's a comedy movie" said Shouji. You weren't sure if you can trust him.

Turns out that it was another 80's horror show and there was nothing funny about it! This movie was scarier than the last which meant that you were on Shouji's lap for whole movie.

After that, you guys just watched comedy routines for the rest of the night till 3 AM. Never again will you watch another 80's horror movie.

This is dedicated to @karamatsusnipple who was the one who request this chapter. I'll be honest, I'm not too fond of horror movies but I can watch them. I typically like adventure, action, fantasy and sci-fi movies because they're cool. Tell me your favourite movie and maybe I'll go watch it. Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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