Shouto Todoroki | Delivery

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Ding dong

Waiting at the doorsteps at the Todoroki family home, you stood there with a box in hand because you worked part time as a deliverer.

Just as you were about the ring the door bell again, the door was opened by a young boy who looked to be around 15 and had red and white hair which you thought was really cool.

"I am (L/N) (F/N) and this is a delivery for um" you introduced yourself and paused only to take look at the label on the box for the person's name.

"Todoroki Shouto?" you said looking back up to the boy standing in the doorway.

"That's me" he replied as you handed over the box. But as you handed over the box, the box slipped from your hands and landed on your foot which really hurt.

"Owww, ow, ow, ow" you cried while jumping on your good leg while holding your injured leg. What's in that box that's so damn heavy?

"Are you alright? Wait here I'm going to get you an ice pack" said Todoroki as he went inside his Japanese styled home to grab you an ice pack.

"Okay it's not like I'm going to go anywhere" you said while using the doorframe as a support.

He sure took his sweet time getting that ice pack because you were seriously thinking about ditching him and leaving to deliver the next box.

When you were just about to leave, he comes back with a an ice pack and cloth.

Wrapping the cloth around the ice pack, he gently places it on your foot. It felt really good with that nice cool feeling on the pained area.

He turned around and faced the box that was dropped on your leg which was his delivery.

Opening up, you saw that inside was a bunch of textbooks and other school stuffs inside. Guess this guy is serious about studying.

With the silence between us, it felt really awkward. Deciding to end the silence, you took the ice pack off your foot and handed it to Todoroki.

"Thank you for lending me your ice pack but I should be on my way after all, there are much more deliveries that needs to be made" you said as you placed the ice pack in his hands and sort of limped your way back to your delivery van. You drove away to the next house that you needed to deliver to.

Todoroki POV

"Why is my heart beating so quickly?" he mutters to himself. After placing the box full of textbooks down in his room, he sat in the bed thinking about what is going on.

After a very long time of thinking, he came to a conclusion.

"I'm in love" he chuckles to himself as he figured it out. Getting up he walks to his computer (a/n: does he even have one?) and places down a random order that he or anyone in his family might like.

"Maybe she'll deliver it to me again?" he wondered aloud.

I noticed that there wasn't a lot if Todoroki fanfics around so I decided to write one. You can request any character you'd like!

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