Shouto Todoroki | Love Ballad

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Disclaimer: Love Ballad's Lyrics belong to Tove Lo

Chop off my hands
Chop off my feet
I'd do it for you
Ain't love sweet?

You've fallen head over heels for the son of Endeavor, with his extraordinary eye and hair colour and his amazing duel quirk, who wouldn't fall for this masterpiece? You'd go as far as chopping off a limb if it means to be with him.

Jump off a cliff
I'd give you my last spliff
I'd do it for you
Ain't love sweet?

"You'd really jump off a cliff for him?! Pity" Your new friend (Friend's Name) sighed. Blushing madly, you said the first thing that came to mind to defend yourself.

"But I love him!" Pathetic argument really, but it was enough for (friend's name) to drop the topic with a sullen expression .

Stab my heart bleeding out
If you feel doubt about me loving you
'Cause oh I do

"I'm sorry (L/N), I don't feel that way" apologized Todoroki as he declines your confession. After all the months of gathering all your courage to say just three simple words, it all went down the drain. (Friend's Name) was right, it was a pity.

Pour gasoline on me
Oh, yes I burn slowly
So that you feel I am for real

"What are you doing (L/N)?! Are you crazy?! Stop!" cried Todoroki as you grabbed some gasoline and poured it on yourself.

"You can stop this. Just say that you love me" you tried one last time as you grabbed a match.

Pursing his lips, he didn't know what to say. But clearly, it wasn't what he needed to say.

"I'm sorry, (L/N) I don't but please don't-" too late. You struck the match and to his horror, you erupted in flames. Burning your soft smooth skin to ashes.

(Todoroki's POV)

'Cause this is my one true sacrifice
It never gets old
No need for you to roll the dice
I am the one to hold

Nothing scares Todoroki more than the death of (L/N.) He had been shown how painful heartbreak was. That very incident made him fear fire, his own quirk and it scarred him beyond measures.

Soon after her death, (Friend's Name) came to confess to Todoroki and out of fear of losing someone else he knew, he agreed.

'Cause this is my one true sacrifice
It never gets old
No need for you to roll the dice

For the next few years, Todoroki dated (Friend's Name) until (Friend's Name) pressured him into marrying her. She was always the controlling one in the relationship. It was the worse mistake ever.

Getting in fights if you say it's right
Shoot them all down
Ain't love sweet?

"SHOUTO TODOROKI! YOU HAVENT BOUGHT ME ANYTHING FOR THE LAST MONTH AND I DEMAND TO KNOW WHY?!" Screamed (Friend's Name) as she began stomping towards Todoroki.

Looking up from his desk with many paper that needs to be done the next day because of his job, a million things zoomed through his mind.

"We just bought a house and that took up most of my allowance. I haven't gotten this month's pay yet. But then again, you have quite some money in your allowance so why don't you spend something for yourself" said Todoroki emotionless. He simply didn't care for (Friend's Name) anymore. She was too demanding and was greedy too.


"You what?" Todoroki didn't know how to act. He regretted saying no to (L/N) many years ago. This all could've been avoided if he had said the right thing. If he had said yes to (L/N), she would be here in his arms right now to know that she's alive. But she's not in his arms.

Standing up, Todoroki began packing his stuff. He didn't care anymore.

"What are you doing?" snapped (Friend's Name).

"What does it look like? I'm packing" said Todoroki as he continued to pack his things.

"Packing? To go where?" ask (Friend's Name) as she began to worry about what's going to happen.

"Anywhere without you" those words stung (Friend's Name). As Todoroki was about to step out that front door, (Friend's Name) filled up with rage. Storming to a nearby cupboard she pulled out a gun and bang. She watched as her husband fell to the floor with a bullet in his head.

Dropping to the floor, (Friend's Name) began to cry. She had just killed the love of her life.

Breathing your air, addictive I swear
I'll never leave
Ain't love sweet?

Opening his eyes, Todoroki can barely remember what had happened. All he knew that (Friend's Name) shot him, that's it.

Standing up, Todoroki felt something heavy behind him. Turning around, he saw the most beautiful pair of wings on his back. He then realized that he wasn't standing on the floor of his house, he was on soft cloud looking grounds.

"Todoroki?" asked a familiar voice. Looking up, he saw you flying towards him with elegant pearl coloured wings.

Dazed, he stood there. Staring at your face as if you were an angel, wait you were one.

"Todoroki? What are you doing here?" You asked before you gasped loudly.

"Don't tell me, you've... you've died?" you asked with a hint of fear in your voice. Todoroki looked away. He couldn't bring himself to look at you. It hurt.

"Yeah. (Friend's Name) killed me" he finally brought himself to say.

You gasped loudly as you covered your mouth. (Friend's Name) was the last person you thought that would kill Todoroki.

Then it happened, Todoroki couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I'm so sorry (L/N), I'm so so sorry. I should've told you that I loved you then you would've been alive and with me in the real world. But I made the wrong choice. Please, oh please don't leave me" Todoroki suddenly cried as he hugged you. You felt hot tears running down your back.

Is he? Is he really crying?

You buried your head into the nape of his neck. His scent is now stronger than ever, and you still love it, you still love him.

"I'll only stay if you promise not to let me go"

This is dedicated to @animelover808 who was the one who requested this. I am finally done this chapter. This was an extremely long chapter with over 1000 words. Hope you guys enjoyed my first songfic and sorry if it was confusing. Requests are open (no lemons) and have a nice day/night.

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