Tomura Shigaraki | Stubborn

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After being bribed by Shigaraki to join his League of Villains, you thought that would be the end of it. Oh, how wrong you were.

The disintegrating hand freak is now begging you to become his lover. It was three months ago since he started. He was constantly saying "(F/N)-chan be my girlfriend" this and "(F/N)-chan, I love you, be with me" that. The arrogant, demanding idiot wouldn't stop. A spoiled brat.

"What did you call me in here for?" you asked Shigarako since he called you into his office. It was very messy place. Papers scattered everywhere and the room stunk like a pig stale. Only one word can describe it and it was disgusting.

"Why so rude my dear (F/N)-chan?" cooed Shigaraki. Glaring at him, you leant against the doorframe.

"Stop calling me by my first name. When you say it, it's a disgrace" you hissed, angry at the hand covered being that stood in front of you.

"Of course my dear" said Shigaraki as walked towards you. He raises his hand and stroke a piece of your (H/C) lock, disintegrating it.

"Oops, my bad" smirked Shigaraki as he led you to the bar. Gesturing for you to sit down on the bar stool, you did as you were asked.

"What do you want Shigaraki" you growled at him in annoyance.

"Kurogiri could you give us some tea?" asked Shigaraki who completely ignored your question. Slamming your hand on the table you successfully gained his attention along with a startled Kurogiri.

"What do you want with me?" you shouted at him. He chuckled, soon chuckling turn into hysterical laughter.

"What do I want from you? All I want is for you to be my girlfriend. Nothing more, nothing less. Say, will you be mine?" asked Shigaraki as he extending his hand.

"As if" you scoffed as you swatted his hand away.

"Tsk, tsk, you're quite stubborn aren't you? You know I will do anything for you to be my girlfriend. I will destroy every being that walks this Earth if it means for you and I to be together" said Shigaraki as Kurogiri hands your (favourite tea.)

Sipping on the hot drink, you eyed Shigaraki carefully. Making sure that he didn't make a suspicious move that you'll regret later.

"Dear (F/N),staring at me now? I know I'm beautiful so why don't you just be my girlfriend already?" Shigaraki asked. Cue a kick to his face.

"Like I'll be the girlfriend of the likes of you" you spat as you walked out of the bar.

The next day, you headed out to town for a stroll. The air was clear as the day and nothing much was happening, though it was a tad bit too hot for your taste. The stroll was to relieve your nerves from the previous day.

"AHHHH!" you screamed as someone suddenly forced a rag onto your mouth. The drug was making your consciousness slowly slip away until it was gone.

Opening your eyes once again, you heard a voice talking pretty confidently and a whimper. Getting up, you head hurt like crazy, but you pushed that aside and looked at the two men.

SHIGARAKI?! What the hell was going on here?

With a quick movement, Shigaraki placed his right hand on top of the whimpering male's head, causing to disintegrate before your eyes.

"What are you doing here?" you asked as your eyebrows drew together.

"I can here to save my love" he answered as he walked closer to you.

"Why do you love me?" you asked. Smiling from behind the hand on his face, he wrote the answered in the wall.

You are stubborn

What an idiot, liking you because you're stubborn. But then again, you were also quite the idiot for liking his persistent attitude.

This is dedicated to @simpleanime_lover who was the one who requested this. Not sure if I like this chapter. I feel like it... lacked something. Also I think Shigaraki was a bit OOC. Tell me what you think about this one. Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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