Mashirao Ojiro | Sooner LEMON

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Warning: You should know what LEMONS mean. If you don't then you're hella innocent. This contains sexual scenes or it has sex in it

In your class, you were known as (F/N) (L/N), the innocent girl but has the biggest bust in the class. Even bigger than Yaoyorozu, which also meant that Mineta the perv of the class, would always ask to touch them. But he laid off and went back to Yaoyorozu ever since he learned that you were dating Ojiro.

"Ready to go?" asked Ojro as he waited for you to pack up your belongings to walk you home. He was always a gentleman to you, which was 1/3 of the reason why you loved him. The other two was that he was breathtakingly handsome and his fluffy tail. As weird as it sounds, it was really soft and when you asked, he would allow you to touch it since he claims it's 'ticklish.'

Putting your last book into your bag, you smiled as you got up to go home. The setting sun was a bright orange-red colour as you two headed to U.A/Yuuei's exit. Clinging onto his arm, you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Everything alright?" he asks since you rarely rest your head on his shoulder when you guys are still in public. He hasn't quite gotten used to the PDA thing yet so resting your head on his shoulder made his blush a light pink tint.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired that's all" you replied as you guys continued to walk to your house. As you two were walking back home, you were thinking of all the things you guys haven't done yet until, that thought came to mind.

"Mashirao? We've been together for about (how ever long you want), and um" you struggled as you really wanted him to know but you though it'd be too embarrassing.

"What is it (F/N)?" asks Ojiro since what you had said previously perked his interest.

"We haven't done, well you know, sex" you whispered that last part into his ear as both of your faces started to turn red. Ojiro was taken back, he didn't know that you were like that.

"Well I can't say no to my beautiful girlfriend now can I?" Ojiro chuckles as he ruffled your hair. He agreed! Good thing your parents were away on a trip to New York since they were really into American culture.

When you two reached your house, you guys threw your bags onto the couch and headed straight for your room.


"D-Don't stare" you said as you covered up your naked body. Ojiro was casually sitting on your bed, well casually wasn't the best word to use, it was more like anxiously sitting on your bed as he stared at your body.

Getting off the bed he walked up to you and removed your hands and pinned them to the wall. You can see him staring at you, particularly at your huge bust. With his shaking hand, he started to play around with your bud before massaging it, earning a quiet moan.

"They're so soft" he mutters as he continued to massage your breasts. Feeling a bit bad that you were the only one that was being pleasured, you tugged on his pant's zipper.

"I-I want t-to pleasure y-you to" you mumble as continued to tug on the zipper. Picking you up bridal style, he puts you down gently on the carpet next to your bed before sitting on the bed himself.

Pulling down the zipper, out popped his member. It was a decent size to say the least. Putting your hand around the member, you moved your hand up and down before sticking it in your mouth.

"Oh (F/N) how are you so good at this?" moaned Ojirou as you continue to mouth fuck him. You really didn't know, let's just say it all came naturally. As you conituned the blow job, you can feel his member getting bigger, signally that he was close. Stopping, you stood up and placed your arms underneath your breasts making them look bigger.

"Why'd you stop?" he questions, clearly disappointed that you didn't allowed him to come. Shaking your head, you began to walk towards him and placed your hands on his knees.

"I'm not going to let to you come inside my mouth. You have to do it inside me" you pouted as you told him your reasoning to stop. Gulping, he nodded and stood up and lifted up one of your legs.

"Hey what are you doin-" you started before feeling a familiar member poking at your entrance. Looking at his face, his expression practically begged you for him to enter you.

"Tell me when it hurts" he said as he entered you. Your insides wrapped around his member as he continued to enter. Clawing at his back since it hurt quite but hey, no pain no gain. Once it was completely, he waited until you adjusted to his size.

"Okay you can move" you said as he started thrust his hips. Each thrust became faster and harder. It felt really good, for the both of you. You were a moaning mess and he was a groaning mess. Soon a tight feeling arose from your stomach area, which meant that you were close.

"Faster Mashirao! L-Let's come together!" you cried out as he went faster and faster until, you let it all out as the two of you came together. Dropping onto your bed, you just randomly started to stroke his tail. It felt really soft.

"Hehe, that tickles" he giggles as he wrapped his arms around you.

"We should of done this sooner, it was awesome" he grinned as he started making hickeys around your neck.

This is dedicated to @tirzah-williams who was the one who requested this. Hey guys how are all yall? For the next lemon, how about the part 2 to 'Prove It'??? Well teachers are all being mean and loaded me with homework that are all due in one week. Requests are closed and have a nice day/night!

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