Izuku Midoriya | A Little Longer

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A very happy birthday to @asian_101_ sister!! Woo Hoo!

You open your eyes to find a bright light shining onto your face along with the chirping of birds. It was a Sunday morning which meant that you could sleep in.

Stretching your arms, you turned to your left to see someone sleeping soundly next to you.

His messy green bed hair was all over the place and a line of drool can be seen from the corner of his mouth. Even tiny snores can be heard from him.

'He's so cute in the mornings' you thought as you pull the covers over his shoulder. You and Midoriya had been together for quite a while so sleeping in each other's bed was a common thing.

Soon, a pair of green eyes were looking at you with a sleepy gaze.

"Morning Izuku" you greeted as you smile lovingly at him.

"Morning" he said back in his morning voice. The croakiness in his voice made him sound so sexy. You can get enough of it.

Closing your eyes, you decided to snooze for just a bit longer before getting up and make breakfast. Not before long, you fell asleep. Now it's Midoriya's turn to stare at your sleeping figure.

Your beautiful eyes were closed and you hands were in loose fists brought up to your face. Midoriya reached out and gently caressed your face.

All he could think about how lucky he was to have such a wonderful girl like you. More than once he thought God blessed him with an angel, not that he would complain of course.

Time passed and you woke up from your slumber. Struggling to open them due to the sunlight, you instinctively reached out for Midoriya but felt nothing except for your mattress.

"Izukuuuuu" you whined as you continued to the bed. While hitting the bed you heard some snickering in your room.

Opening your eyes, you saw Midoriya without a shirt and soaking wet hair. While you were asleep he must've taken a shower.

"I'm sorry!!" you squeaked as you pull the covers over your head to prevent yourself from look at his drop dead gorgeous abs and hella sexy wet hair.

"It's okay (F/N) you can look" chuckled Midoriya as you felt your side of the bed dip down. Pulling the covers down you saw that his hair was still wet but he was wearing a shirt now.

"Time to wake up sleepyhead" he sang as you groaned and turned away.

"No" you said as you put a pillow on top of your head. You then felt some strong arms go underneath and lift you up as you yelped in surprise.

"You're out of bed now so you have to wake up" teased Midoriya as he lets you down but once your feet touched the floor, you jumped right back in bed.

"I wanna sleep!" you argued as you sounded like a debating little kid. Sighing, Midoriya got up and started to walk away before you stopped him.

"Sleep with me. Just for a little while" you pleaded as you shifted over and opened up the blankets for him. He did as you asked as he snuggled up right next to you.

"Let's stay like this for a little longer Izuku"

This is dedicated to @asian_101_ who was the one who requested this. I didn't expect to get so many requests (ha they were all lemons) after the last chapter. Two people requested Bakugou x reader lemons so you two will share the same chapter since it'll be easier for me. So I was wondering for that, who wants it to be the part 2 of my other chapter 'Prove It?' Requests are closed and have a nice day/night!

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