Fumikage Tokoyami | Secret Admirer

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It was your first week at U.A/Yuuei. Well technically it was the second week of school because you had things you had to take care of at home so you missed the first week. Which meant that you were really nervous since everyone probably has already gotten into the swing of things at school. Everyone, except for you.

Walking into the classroom of 1-A, you saw many eyes fall upon you. Generally you were energetic and outgoing, but in this situation, you couldn't help but feel shy and nervous.

After being introduced to the whole class, you took a seat next a girl who introduced herself as Uraraka and a boy with glasses named Iida. The class seemed really nice, well except for one boy with explosive hair. He cursed at you a lot which made you shiver.

You quickly became friends with Uraraka and Iida who introduced you to another one of their friend, Midoriya. They were all nice and treated you like you were there at the first day of school. But you quickly became best friends with Uraraka in a matter of seconds.

"Hey Uraraka, who's that?" you whispered to her as you pointed to a boy with a crow head sitting on a desk as Iida was trying to get him off since it was 'disrespectful'. Uraraka chuckles to herself.

"Oh him? He's Tokoyami Fumikage. His quirk is dark shadow" smiled Uraraka. You nodded your head to signify that you understood. Leaning in Uraraka whispered something into your ears.

"You like him don't you?" teased Uraraka. You shook your head quickly while blush was appearing onto your face.

"No I don't" you objected as you waved your hands from side to side.

"That blush of yours tells it all!" laughed Uraraka.

After that, the two of you changed the topic which you were relieved for.

The next day, spotted something poking out from your desk. Opening up the paper, you read the handwritten content.

Dear (L/N) (F/N),

I'm not sure if you know who I am or have taken notice of me but I am writing this to inform you that I like you. It's not my nature to do something like this but, frankly I am too afraid to tell you in person. Your beautiful eyes has gotten me lost in them so many times and your smile makes my heart go, what was that term? Ah, it makes my heart go doki doki. I will leave a hint and once you figured it out, come talk to me.

The brighter the light  the darker the shadow

Yours truly.

Your Secret Admirer

"Hey (L/N) is that a love letter?" asked Uraraka cheerfully as she peeked over your shoulder. You quickly closed the letter and stuffed it in your bag.

"It's no use I already read it!" smiled Uraraka. Sighing in defeat, you rested you head on your desk.

"I wonder who wrote it" you wondered aloud. Uraraka sat down in her seat.

"Well the clue was the brighter the light, the darker the shadow right? So who in this class has a dark shadow.

"Tokoyami's quirk is dark shadow isn't it?" asked Midoriya as he joined the conversation. Your face lit up along with Uraraka.

"(L/N) you have to ask him if he wrote the letter!" cheered Uraraka as she claps her hands together.

"No not right now. I don't even know what to say. Am I supposed to go up to him and ask 'so I got a letter this morning and I was wondering if you wrote it?'" you explained. But your two friends looked at each other and nodded their heads. So much for convincing them.

"We'll do it at lunch time" offered Midoriya which you and Uraraka agreed to.

At lunch, you waited impatiently for Tokoyami. Just as you were about to give up hope, you spotted him eating his lunch far off in a corner by himself.

"Okay guys, here goes nothing" you huffed as you made your way to Tokoyami. Once you got to him you asked him the question.

"Tokoyami-kun, were you the one who wrote the letter this morning?" you asked with the sweetest tone you had but it came out all hoarse and cringy. He looked up at you and sighed.

"I guess my hint was too obvious" sighed Tokoyami as he took a bite out of his food.

"Yeah um, I just wanted to tell you that..." you started. Were you really going to confess? Well you said half the sentence, might as well end it.

"I like you" you confessed. Tokoyami paused from taking another bite of his food. He looked at you with his red eyes.

"Well, I guess that ends well for the both of us. How about a date tonight? I'll pick you up" offered Tokoyami. You nodded in agreement as you skipped happily to your table. You couldn't wait to tell them what happened!

Here's a Tokoyami chapter for you. Didn't really know what to do with him so this is what I got. Sorry if he didn't appear in this chapter a lot. Oh yeah thanks for the 200 views. This is officially my most viewed book. Requests are open:)

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