Izuku Midoriya | Festival

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Walking hand in hand with your boyfriend Midoriya, you two walked down to the festival that was happening. You and Midoriya were in your matching yukatas which you bought the day before. The beautiful lanterns gave a nice warm orange glow to the festival and the place as packed with people.

Entering the festival, you and Midoriya walked by many stands that were bustling with activities. But first off, you and Midoriya thought it'd be appropriate to visit the Tenjin shrine to pray that you two would do well for the upcoming exams.

Walking through the torii (Japanese gates that are usually in front of shrines) on top of the hill, you two waited for your turn to pray to Tenjin. Once it was your turn, the two of you kneeled in front of the shrine and put your hands together.

'Lord Tenjin, please give me and Izuku good luck for upcoming exams' you prayed with a smile. Once you were done, you and Midoriya stood up and bowed.

"Say Izuku, where should we go first?" you asked as you two walked down the stone steps to head to the festival once again.

"Anywhere you like" smiled Midoriya. You thought about it, you and Midoriya did come to the festival to have fun after all.

"I guess the game stands" you replied with a stunning smile that made Midoriya blush.

"O-Okay (F/N)-chan" stammered Midoriya as you two walked to the game stands.

"Try to catch one of these goldfishes! Catch one and you get to bring it home!"

"If you can throw this ball into one of the milk jars then you get to bring home a prize!"

"Shoot the water into the clown's mouth with a partner! Whoever fills it up first gets a plushy of All Might"

Voices came from everywhere, telling people to play their games. You wanted to play all of them but unfortunately, you only brought enough to play one game.

Continuing to walk around the stands, one caught your attention. It looked like all the other stands, but in front was one of those hammers and a scale to see how hard you could hit it.

"You young lady and her boyfriend! Want to try out this game for only 370¥ ($3.60US)" smiled a man with a blue yukata. Nodding, you reached into your pockets to grab the money only to see the man walk away with money already in his hands.

"Don't worry about it (F/N), I paid for it" grinned Midoriya as the man came back with a hammer.

"You have three tries" he said before handing you the hammer. Once he gave it you and let go, you found out that it was really heavy. Walking like a penguin to the scale, you raised it up above your head and dropped it onto the black platform.

Please hit the bell, please hit the bell

The little red arrow soared up on the scale only to stop halfway before coming back down. Pouting, you lifted the hammer once again.

"I'll get it for sure this time" you mumbled before letting the hammer drop again.

Come on, don't disappoint me

Like before, it soared up to the middle before coming back down again. Sighing, you wiped the little bit of sweat on your forehead.

"Um, can I give it a go?" asked Midoriya. You gave him the hammer for him to try since he did pay for it and you already tried twice. 

Lifting the hammer up with ease, Midoriya smashed the hammer down on the black platform. In just that moment, his arms glowed a bit.

'He used his quirk' you thought as you watch the little red arrow fly up at an inhuman speed and not only hitting the bell but breaking it off too.

The owner of the stand stood there with wide eyes along with other bypassers. Midoriya gave the man back his hammer as he went to go put it somewhere for the next customer and grabbing a prize.

"Here" said man as he handed Midoriya a small plastic bag with water. Inside was a (favourite colour) beta fish.

"He's so pretty" you smiled at Midoriya.

"(F/N), I want you to have him" said Midoriya as he handed you the bag. You took the bag out of his hands only having the biggest smile on your face.

"We came here to have some fun together. Also, I'm not so good at raising animals anyways" Midoriya chuckled nervously. Smiling, you gave him a small peck on his cheek and dragging him to the next stand. 

"I'm going to call him Izuku number two!" you cheered as you pulled a red faced Midoriya to another stand. 

This is dedicated to @anime_fan_girl_03 who was the one who requested this chapter. Midoriya seems to be a popular character in this story, which I don't mind writing for. I was thinking of doing an angst soon so pop in your request to who you want the angst chapter so be about. Anyways, have a nice day/night!

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