Yagi Toshinori | Roses

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You were a florist at a popular local flower shop. Your shop was considered as one of the most popular flower shops in your town. Many people came from all over the world just to take home a beautiful flower. Yes, you've had people come from all over the States, Canada, France, Spain, China, Japan, Russia and Germany! You've met many people in your time of working in the small shop but one man managed to make your heart beat faster than ever.

The first time you saw him, he walked in just to take a look at the flowers. He first went to the tulips, then the orchids, lilies and finally the roses.

"Roses are a symbol of love" you say out of nowhere. Looking at the bright vivid colour of the red roses, he leaned in close to smell the flowers. Taking a very long sniff, he stood up only to have his nose scrunched upwards.

"Ah-ah-ahCHOO" the man sneezed loudly, causing you to laugh.

"Bless you" you chuckled as he uses his finger to rub underneath his nose. Reaching out your hand, you decided to introduce your self.

"My name is (F/N) (L/N). I'm the owner of this small shop" you smiled as the man uses his clean hand to shake yours.

"Yagi Toshinori" he replied. And that's how you guys first met. Pretty simple right? He was like every other customer, but something was different about this particular man.

Literally the next day, Toshinori came back into your shop.

"Well hello Toshinori-kun, how may I help you today?" you ask as you wipe the dirt off your hands as you were planting a new flower.

"I would like one rose" he replied swiftly. Nodding your head, you led him to the batch of vibrant red roses.

"These are the best that I have" you smiled brightly at him. Pointing at a random rose in the bunch, he quickly replied.

"I would like that one" he said as you pick the rose and packed it up nicely. After paying for the rose, he picked it up and smiled at you.

"Thank you (L/N). I hope to see you soon" and he wasn't kidding when he said 'soon.'

Everyday for the next month, Toshinori would come to your shop only to buy one rose. Even on the busiest days where it would take an hour to stand and wait in line to purchase a flower, he would be right there. What makes it odd is that, you began to crave more and more of him. Hoping that he'll walk into your small shop, not only to buy a rose, but to make some small talk.

It's finally the end of the month, sales have been wonderful as many flowers were bought. And as a regular customer, Toshinori came in to buy a single rose.

"Good afternoon Toshinori-kun. What would you like today? A rose again?" you predicted as he chuckled nervously.

"You know me too well" he smiles as you go pick the reddest rose you have. Packing it up, he paid for the rose, thanked you and left the small shop.

On the first of (whatever month it is), something was different. Toshinori walked in with a bouquet of roses. Walking towards you, you grew kind of quiet and awkward, not knowing of what to say.

As he got closer, he suddenly extended his arms which resulted the roses close to your face, as if he was giving you the bouquet of flowers.

"(L/N) (F/N), you may have been wondering why I have been buying just one rose everyday of the month. Well that is because on the first day I stepped into this lovely shop and took a look at the roses, you told me that roses were a symbol of love. When I saw you, you somehow made me fall in love with you. So the next day on for the rest of the month, I bought only one rose. I've been taking really good care of them, just to give them to you on this very day" he confessed. It touched you, his sweet confession truly made you feel special. But as you looked at the roses, you realized that one was missing.

"But why is there one missing?" you voiced out your concern. Looking up at you face to face, he put on the most dazzling smile he has.

"That's because on the first day I didn't buy a rose. Why I didn't buy a rose on that day you ask, well as cheesy as it sounds, you are that rose. You are that beautiful flower that makes me fall in love with so, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks as he looks into your eyes.

With tears threatening to fall, you swiftly nodded your head in approval. As a young child, you dreamed of the confession of your future boyfriend, not never before have you ever thought of something so sweet.

This is dedicated to @morganna_tris who was the one who requested this. IM FINALLY BACK GUYS!! The last few months of 2016, I was all over the place, literally. It got kind of hard to write since I wouldn't have time for it. Also, finding original plots for each and every chapter is getting harder for me to think of since I think of one and then I remember 'oh done that already.' Oh and one last thing, if you are going to request, please request in the request chapter. It's really hard to remember which chapter you requested on since there is over 50 chapters in this book. If you do, it makes it easier for me to find it and do your request. If you do request on another chapter, there's a 50% chance I won't do it because it'll take me FOREVER to find it. Sorry for the inconvenience and lack of updates. Requests are open (no lemons, they're really awkward to write) and have a nice day/night!

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