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I have thought about this a lot over the last few months that this has been down and I am going to begin on working on putting up old chapters and when they are done I will begin to put up new :)




It has been two years since my final words with my last assistant. My last assistant made it easier for me to work around this place. I sigh and put my fingers to my head as I press the button on the intercom. 

"Yes, si?" Taylor, my secretary asked. 

"Send my next interview in." I say. 

"Yes, sir."

In the workplace I demanded that all of my workers call me sir, as a sign of respect. I was doing interviews for a new assistant and so far, out of the two weeks I have done this, not one applicant had been worth it. 

The office door opened and in comes a small girl with long brown hair. She crossed her arms over her body and kept her head and and I assume she was looking at her feet. I stand up and walk towards her, she flinches slightly. 

I kept my distance and I look at her, studying her movements. "What is your name?"

Her eyes peek through her long lashes and she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip. "C-Celine." 

I take a hold of my tie and walk back to my desk. "Celine, what can I do for you today? Are you here for the interview?" 

She nods her head and bends her knees slightly. I take a glance at her appearance and notices that she has on a little pink outfit with small white polka dots on them. She has white socks that go up to her knees and Mary Jane styled shoes. 

I scratch the scruff on my chin and sigh. "Sit." I say. 

She quickly moves to sit down in a chair that faces my desk. Sitting down in my chair, I cross my leg over my knee. 

"Why do you want this job?" I ask her. 

She holds her head up and for the first time I was able to see her face. She had deep brown eyes that matched her dark hair. She gulped and plays with her hands that are rested against her knees. "I-I need to make money for m-myself." She says.

"Thats it?" I asked her. 

She nods and I stand up. "Why are you so timid?" I asked her. 

She turns her head away from my voice and puts her hand in her hair. "I-I'm sor-r-y!" She said before she bursts into tears. 

I quickly kneel down in front of her and take her body bridal style into my arms and walk towards my office doors. I used my elbow to press the button on the intercom. 

"Yes, sir?" Taylor asked me. 

"Dismiss everybody now. Immediately. Find out where this girl lives and forward the address to me. Tell Tuson to pull the car around." I snap and lean my head against the door. Celine whimpers into my chest and her fingers grip into my tie. 

I open up the office door and nod at Taylor who is sitting at her desk, quickly moving her fingers against the keyboard. Pressing the elevator button, I pull the frightened girl who jumps at the noise, closer to my body. 

My phone rings and I ignore it until I see Tuson holding the door open for me. I put Celine down on her two feet and she puts her head into my chest. 

"Please don't make me go back to sir!" She cried.

"Get into the limo." I say, turning her around and gently shoving her into the car. 

She whines and hesitantly climbs into the car. My phone begins to ring again and I sigh harshly before pulling it out and answering it. "Remy Delgado." I snap.

"Sir, I have forwarded the address of Ms. Celine Sanches to your blackberry." 

"Thank you Taylor," I say and hang up. 

Celine was curled up on the leather seats and I cracked my neck before pulling out my blackberry. "Celine, I need you to tell me why you're afraid to go back to your home. I usually do not take potential clients home so this is an important matter." I say to her. 

She whines deeper and shakes her head, putting her hands to hear ears. "No! NO!" She screams. 

I glare at her before scooting along the leather seat and am near her body. "Don't you ever raise your voice at me." I say. 

She nods her head quickly. "Sorry sir." 

"What happens that you don't want to go back?" I ask her. 

"S-sir punishes me all the time because I am a bad girl." She says as she sucks on her thumb. 

Instantly what she said clicked in my head. Celine would be my next Little. I would take her away from her current Daddy/Master and I would make her my baby girl. 

My heart beat erratically in my chest as I watcher her small figure cry because she didn't want to go back to her "Sir."




Ive never wrote anything like this before. I'm going off of personal views and some research I've done. Welcome again to round two of PLG. this time it better not be taken down!

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