35- Remy

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Hi! i just wanted to let you know, if you are a repeat reader, that the last chapter was not in the original version! I am now starting NEW chapters! I am so excited! Be patient with me as I try my hardest to brain storm and not make this cliche or boring <3 I love you all! Please comment things that you would love to see <3





It seemed like hours before they let me see her. When I was finally able to go back there she was in the fetal position, holding her stomach, crying out in pain as she was sweating. I had let her know that I was there and that I was so sorry that we had lost a little angel baby. I held her hands at time, I laid beside her, I held in her my arms and put my hands around her belly.

I didn't know how she got pregnant. We used so much protection. She was on the pill and I didn't always finish inside her. I know that made me sound dumb. I know it took one time and there were several possibilities that she could get pregnant, but I didnt think that it would be with me, right now.

The doctors told us that the baby was a boy. She was just starting to develop his hair and nails. The doctors said that they didn't know how Celine didn't know she was pregnant. They said she should have felt the baby kick.

I looked at her as she laid there, holding onto my hand.

"I'm sorry, but it's time to induce you, Mrs. Delgado." They said to Celine.

Celine burst into tears. I just held her. They gave her a dose of Pitocin and told her that it would start contractions that it would cause her body to have contractions. What seemed like hours of her screaming in pain and hours of crying; a baby was born.

Not born in the way we would think. The baby was a light blue color, eyes closed, almost fully developed. Celine held the small baby boy in her arms. Tears continued to pour down her cheeks. She eventually couldn't take it anymore and she let me hold him. He had ten toes and ten fingers. He had a cute little nose and sweet cheeks. He had black hair that was thick like Celine's. This baby looked to be ready to be birthed.

The only thing is that I could tell the baby hadn't been full term. The baby could fit in my one hand. He weighed one pound, two ounces. He was so small but he was so perfect. I couldn't help the tears that fell. Celine and I made something so beautiful and she didn't know that she was pregnant.

Celine and I were advised that we should take as many pictures as we could. We should hold him and let him know what it feels like to be loved. I took so many pictures of him and Celine. I wanted us to be able to remember this moment.

"Isaiah," She said, with swollen eyes and cheeks. "Isaiah Remynaldo Delgado." She said, looking at me.

I circled the palm of my hand on his hair and she let me hold onto him again. I held him to my chest and I cried. Isaiah. The doctors didn't know what was wrong with him, but he was so beautiful. The nurses said that this was rare. When this happened, they said baby Isaiah was just to pure for this world.




Celine and I had to let them take Isaiah. I knew what they were going to do and Celine began to cry more. The amount of water that she was letting out, I didn't know that she could cry that much. I too was sad, but I had to be here for her. One day, we would see our angel baby again.




Double update coming <3

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