59- Celine

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I woke up the next morning with Adrian still asleep next to me. I reached for my phone on the night stand and there were several missed calls from my mother and Cassandra. I stretched my arms and I reached beside me to nudge Adrian. I dont know how we had fell asleep, I just remember talking and telling him everything.

He toon everything quite well and he was taken back by some of the things but he understood that Remy and I had a history. He really had no choice but to accept it because there would be nothing between Adrian and I if he didnt. I did not see anything with Adrian happening any time soon, but there could be a possibility later on.

My main focus was getting ready and going to face Remy. Adrian sat up straight and he immediately got up out of his bed.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep and didn't mean to sleep here." He said.

"It's okay, don't worry. I need to make a few phone calls this morning. Would you mind dropping me off at my sisters house?"

"Do you think he will be there?" He asked me.

I nodded my head and I gathered all of my hair in my hand and combed through t with my fingers.

"No doubt, he is very persistent."

"Do you want me to be there for you?"

I shake my head and I get up and walk towards him. "I'll be okay"

"I don't want anything to go wrong. I don't know him but I'd beat his ass for you."

I chuckled a bit and I brought him into a hug. "Thank you, but I'll be okay."

He nodded and he stepped back from the hug. There was a knock sounding through the apartment and we looked at each other.

"I'm not expecting any company. Hold on and let me see who it is." He said, on guard.

I wrapped my arms around my body and I sat down on his bed. I could hear voices getting riled up, getting louder. They were coming down the hall. There were things being slammed and shouting.

"This is my home! You can't just barge in." Adrian shouted.

"She's my girlfriend." I could hear Remy's voice speaking behind him.

Remy barged into the room and he locked eyes with me. My knees felt weak and my heart was racing. He looked rough. I couldn't tell the night before but he let himself go. It had been awhile since I had seen him, but he didn't look like himself.

The room reeked of alcohol, no doubt coming from Remy. He opened his arms and he motioned for me to come to him.

"I finally fucking found you. Princess, please come home with me. You're too far away from me." He said.

I locked eyes with Adrian and he looked concerned.

"Can we talk? If I need you I'll yell."

He walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. I was in his home and Remy was here commanding the space. I had so much respect for Adrian in this moment that I felt the need to cry.
"Celine, my princess, Lina." He said.

I crossed my arms over myself and I glared at him. "How dare you just come here. Why are you here?"

"I want you to come home to me. It's lonely without you. Mackenzie and Bailyn are nothing compared to you."

"Remy, let me stop you before you go any further. You had the nerve to basically stalk me to find out where I am and you being up those bitches? Get out! I left you for this reason. You have no respect for me!" I began to yell, walking toward him.

"What do you mean? I made a mistake Celine. There was so much going on and I just lost it. I'm so sorry. I had to cope with everything some how."

"Kissing Mackenzie was the easiest way to do that?" I asked sarcastically.

"No. I should have came to you. That was the plan but she was there."

"Do not make excuses. Be a fucking man. Own up to your mistakes."

"Celine, I kissed Mackenzie. It was a moment of weakness and it felt natural because of all of the history we had. While you've been gone I've thrown myself into work and alcohol." He went on.

"Have you kissed her again?"


"Is Bailyn still there? Mackenzie?"

He didn't say anything. He remained quiet and he looked at me. The scruff on his face was unruly. His hair hadn't been cut in weeks and he had such big dark circles under his eyes.

"Please forgive me." He begged.

"I have had enough conversation for now. I need time to process. Please, respect me and go. I will reach out to you when I feel like it."

"Let me explain more."

"You have explained enough. One thing I've learned is how to be myself and stand up for me. I've got my mother and sisters spirit now." I spit.

"I'm sorry I kissed her. Forgive me please."

"I will call you in a few days."

"Just tell me who he is." He demanded.

"Get out. I said I will call."

Adrian came in the room and he asked Remy to leave. Adrian came toward me and he wrapped me into a hug. I just cried. I cried into his arms and wished that things would be easier.

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