34- Remy

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Celine and I had walked back to our bungalow after we had a little fun on the beach. Our hands were locked tightly and our bodies were close. She pushed open the door to our room and she groaned. 

"Whats wrong baby?" I asked her. 

She dropped to her knees and she held her stomach tightly. Her face was scrunched up into a ball. All I heard was her groaning in pain and her body was tense. 

"Celine?" I asked, starting to panic. 

She grabs my hand and she pushed it to her stomach. Tears poured out of her eyes as I spread my hand across her stomach. Her skin was hot and clammy, sweat coming out from her pored and her breathing was erratic. She opened her eyes and she looked at me. She took a deep breath which set her into another fit of sobs. 

"It hurts." She cried out, pushing my hand firmly on her stomach. 

"Baby, please tell me what hurts?" I asked her. 

I looked all over her body and then I saw it. The blood. It was all over her legs and her knees buckled under her. I caught her in my arms and I stood up straight. Tears continued to pour from her eyes. I saw my phone from across the room and I called the owner of the bungalow. I explained that I needed to be air lifted to the hospital. 




In the helicopter, a man put an oxygen mask over her face and I held her hand. Her eyes made eye contact with me and she groaned and held her stomach. 

The blood on her legs was still fresh and it reeked of iron. I had blood on my clothes but I couldn't help but worry about her. Celine was in the fetal position as the helicopter landed on the helipad. The door to the helicopter opened and out I went followed by a few people who were wheeling her away. 

I ran to keep up with them. Celine's oxygen mask was foggy because she was breathing so hard. 

"Remy?" She yelled, lifting her head up.

"I'm right here, Lina." I called. 

They wheeled her into a spot and they put the rails down on a bed and transferred her to it. After they were done, they put the rails up and told us a doctor would be right with us. 

She continued to bleed and I was afraid she would pass out because of so much blood. Tears welled in my eyes. What was happening? I grabbed her hand and I kissed her knuckles. Her eyes were beginning to roll in the back of her head. Her grip in my hand began to weaken. 

Yelling, I couldn't stop yelling. What was happening? People rushed her away and they went through doors and told me that I couldn't come. They told me I had to wait. To be patient. How could I be patient when the love of my life was bleeding continuously? What was happening?




What felt like hours later, I heard a door open. I stood up quickly and rushed to the familiar face. My face was swollen because I had been crying so much. But I didn't care. That was Celine Sanches in there, that was the love of my life. 

"What in the hell is happening?" I asked the doctor. 

"Are you Remy Delgado?" She asked me. 

"Yes, please can I see her?" 

"She is asking to be left alone right now. If you would like, I can tell you what has happened. Are you her family?" 

"I am her husband." I lied. 

"Mr. Delgado, your wife was extremely dehydrated, we are giving her fluids. That is not why she was bleeding. Mr. Delgado, I am not sure how long you guys have been trying--"

"What do you mean trying? What is going on?! Let me see her. I need to see her." I yelled. 

"Sir, please calm down. She is stable and her body is in shock. She lost the baby. She was 22 weeks along. That is abnormal for a second trimester. Your wife has an abnormal uterus. I could best describe it as violent. It was lucky that she was able to be pregnant. I am so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, she will have to deliver the fetus."

"That's impossible! She wasn't even showing." I said, in shock. 

"I am so sorry for your loss. We will have to induce her in a few hours. The sooner this is done the sooner you can heal. I am so sorry. I will ask her if she is ready for you to come back and see her. 




Yes, I did my research



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