9- Remy

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Taking Celine to a clothing store was a big mistake. She had left her little space and went to her normality. A young woman who was crazed by the cutest trends. Celine had gripped my hand so tightly and she would squeal. 

Currently she was in the dressing room trying on the outfit that she was going to wear for her first day of work tomorrow. 

"Daddy! I love clothes so much! After this do you promise that you will take me to the little store so I can get stuffies and blankies?!" She says, seeping back into her little space. 

I knew she was getting tired and she wanted to get out of this store because now, instead of giving her free range to choose the clothing that she wanted, I was making her try on professional clothing. 

I look at her adorable face and I beckon her to come to me with a finger. "I don't like these clothes daddy." She says and pouts. 

"put that lip in and get out here so daddy can see his babygirl." I say, knowing that she would scrunch her nose up. 

She rolls her eyes which makes my palm twitch to spank the attitude out of her. She pulls the curtain back and I have to immediately move my pants around to free my boner. She was dressed in a knee length black skirt, with white pol-a-dots on it. It was the shirt that got me. It looked rather modest but was rather low where her cleavage was. There was only a thin strip of fabric that was connecting the top together. The corners of her breasts were on show and I lost it. Covering her shoulders was a red blazer and she had heels on, and for the first time I could see her cute little cherry red toes nails. 

I stood up and walked towards Celine. Instead of my little innocent baby girl, she looked like a grown ass woman. I couldn't tell which I liked more. I loved Celine's innocence but right now I was loving her adult side. 

"I dont like this daddy." She says, pouting as she stepped closet to me. 

"Daddy likes it so much little one." 

"IT's so grown up, and I dont like it!" She says, stomping her foot and raising her voice. 

I flare my nostrils and grip her arm. "I have spoiled you rotten today and maybe you have become a little too comfortable with that. When we get home you will be punished accordingly. I do not tolerate disrespect or raising of the voice." I say, lowly, into her ear. 

Her body shivers as she steps closer to my body, running her hands down my shirt. "I didn't mean to be a bad girl daddy." She says, with emotion thick in her voice. 

I looked down at her and could see she was town with crying and doing something else. "What are you doing baby girl?" I ask her, feeling confused. 

"When Sir would punish me he would lock me away for days and he would beat me and whip me. Please don't whip me daddy." She says, gripping me tightly. 

I hold her head close to my chest and wrap my arm tightly around her body. 

"I would never hurt you like that baby girl. I only will ever correct your bad girl behavior. I would never want to damage my baby. Your old son-of-a-bitch 'Sir' can go rot in Hell. Daddy will protect you always baby." I say, kissing her head. 




We walked hand in hand down the halls of the mall. We left the Build-a-Bear store and we were walking back to the car. I pushed Celine against the car and put my hands above her head and I leaned my forehead against hers. 

"Please tell me you're not scared of me." I said and I look into her eyes. 

She shakes her head and rubs my face. "I'm not scared of you at all, daddy. I feel like the luckiest babygirl ever! You're the best daddy ever and I feel feelies in my belly when i am around you." She says to me. 

I smiled and felt my heart start to beat quickly. Celine was such a beautiful girl and I couldn't wait to see where out relationship would take us. I couldn't wait to see her blossom into the beautiful babygirl I knew she would be. 

First, I would have to send people over to that shit bags house. I needed to cause him pain just as he had caused my princess pain. I'm sure he thought that I could have forgotten. When someone hurts what is mine there will be hell to pay. 




Over 1k reads <3 thank you guys. Slowly but surely im updating! i have school that always comes first. Thanks for voting :)

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