41- Celine

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I missed Daddy more than anything. He was all I could think about. His safety, his eyes, the way he laughed before our tragedy started, and the way his own threw him under. How a woman that once reciprocated love for him could be so dangerous and hurt him the way she did. I could not fathom it.

Once I loved Gavin, and I would like nothing more than to see him suffer the way he made me suffer, but I would never wish death upon him. Bailyn left Remy to the wolves and did not think twice to lick his wounds.

I was so emotional and had nobody to console me or to make me feel better. I didn't know how to feel. I felt vulnerable in the position I was in. On one hand I was excited to see my sister, but to have her work with my ex and betray me was hurtful. I wanted nothing more than to protect Daddy, but how could I do that when I was useless.

I didn't know where we were going. It seemed to have switched so many times and how do I have any voice in this? If I had a choice I would demand we go back to Gavin's and rescue Daddy. That would put Tuson and Ms Lucy in harms way and they never did anything wrong.

The car finally came to a stop and Bailyn and I stared at each other. I could stand the thought of her in the same vicinity as me. I snarled at my sister and when the door opened for us to exit, I pushed forward passed the both of them.

I was shocked to see us in a part of town that was unfamiliar to me. There was a large house that sat alone on a block and seemed to be excluded from the outside world. It looked to be an old country home right in the middle of New York City. I didn't know how I had never seen it before but it was new.

I walked over to Ms. Lucy who seemed to have tears in her eyes and a hand over her heart.

"Where are we?" I asked her.

"We are at the safest place we can be." Was all she said and walked toward the sidewalk that led to the front door.

I looked back to Tuson who also seemed to have tears at the rim of his lids. He just held his hand toward the door. I nodded at him and I followed after Ms. Lucy.





I somehow found my way back to my apartment. I knew this was the most likely place for me to be found by Chilino, but I had no where else to go. I wouldn't want to go to where I knew it was safe, because I would lead the girls in danger and I would never want that.

I hope that my brother is safe. I hoped that Xander would do something to figure out where I was. We had all be on a run for so long from Chilino and now was the time we had to be tactical. It was clear that I had been to comfortable with my life with Celine. He must have been watching me and I never knew.

I realize that love no matter how much we need it to save us and make us feel whole, was a destructive. Celine was my weakness and it put my brother and myself at risk. Before her, even with the other littles I had been strong and didn't let anything or anyone get to me.

There was something about her that drew me in. She was addictive and she was deadly. I find myself wishing that I'd it came down to it, I would die to see her live. That reason is why I will never the go to that safe place.

There was a ring at my doorbell and anxiety filled my core. I stood and went to a room by the door, quietly. This room was full of cameras surrounding my home.

There was a man at the door with his head low. I couldn't tell what he looked like from the camera. All the what ifs in my mind played. What if this was Xander? What if this was Ric? My brother?

My heart beat faster as I opened the door. It was non  of the above. It was my father.



Don't kill me please? I've been starting my new semester and having writers block. There has been so many times I stopped and started this again. Here it is :)

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