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16k!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you <3 Please comment and vote :) it helps a lot i tell ya. 





As I was seated in the meeting, I couldn't stop hearing Celine's moans in my ears. She as so naturally beautiful and something about her put me in a trance. She had me captivated and I had not felt this way in years. 

"Mr. Delgado, what do you think about the architecture plans?" Someone asks me. 

I picked my head up from my hand and I uncrossed my legs and looked at the man who spoke to me. "What about them? We have been speaking about them for months now. What has changed?"

Roman Nickols was my biggest competitor in the marketing business. "Well, Rem, we have been talking about how we could make this appeal to a younger generation. Isn't that your specialty? That is your job here."

"Just make sure to run all of the changes through me. I will finalize. Have the changes done by Tuesday." I say, standing up and leaving the meeting. 

The campaign that we were currently working on, was a new hotel that I was trying to open up. I did not want to think constantly of my work when I was home, but Roman always got under my skin.




I walked into my house and I smiled at Celine as she walked passed me, towards the stairs. 

"Send Bailyn down please." I tell her. 

Celine nods at me and she swings her hips innocently as she walks up the stairs. I turn my head and notice Lucy looking at me. 

Lucy had a smirk on her face and I raised an eyebrow at her. 

She puts a finger to her lips and shrugs her shoulders. "Will you be eating here tonight?" She asks. 

I shake my head and I sit on the stool at the bar. "Celine and I will be going out." I tell her. 

"You've been spending a lot of time with her lately, Remy." Lucy says. 

I furrow my eyebrows. "She works with me and not that Mackenzie is gone it is easier for me to split my time up." 

Lucy sets a glass of Scotch in front of me and put her hands on her hips. "Don't you dare ignore your feelings for that girl. You are falling in love with her. I know it and I know you do too Remy." She says to me. 

I pick my drink up and I down it in one gulp. I slam the glass down on the table and see Bailyn come down. She looked like she had just woken up. She sits on the stood next to me and swings her legs. 

"How are you princess?" I ask her, touching her chin. 

She put her hands on her mouth and she yawned into them. I smile at her and she smiled back at me. "I slept all day." She said. 

"Why have you been so lazy?" I tease her, squeezing her sides. 

She giggles and fidgets on the stool. I pulled my hands away from her and watched her as she breathed quickly.  

"I miss you Daddy." She says and hops into my lap. 

I wrap my arms around her and I kiss her forehead. "Think it's time for you to get a job?" 

She gasped and pulled away from me. "WHY!" She raised her voice at me. 

"You do not do anything all day. You should be up and doing things. You need to socialize, baby. I'm afraid you'll go insane around this house with poor old Ms. Lucy." 

"Remy, don't you have the AMAC's coming up next week?" Lucy asked me. 

"Oh, Daddy! Take me with you pleaseeeeeee." Bailyn asks me. 

"I will think about it baby." I say, and kiss her head. 




As I was buttoning up my suit jacket, ready to take Celine out for the first time, I got a call from Xander. 

"Hello?" I speak and put the phone to my ear. 

"Remy! Thank God you answered." He says, breathing heavily on the phone. 

"What is going on Xander?" 

"Brother, I am afraid that I have horrible news." 

"Out with it Xander, I am busy." 

"Chilino and Nelson are on their way from Columbia." He says. 

I close my eyes and almost dropped my phone. I lean back onto my bed and put a hand to my forehead. "How long have you known this?" I snapped. 

"I have just found out from my father." Xander said.

"Does he know where we are?" 

"Remy, the last time he knew about us, we were still in Oregon. W are on the other side of the country. I don't know when they will find us, but they will." He says. 

"I will continue until I have a gift from him. As usual."




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Double update today <3


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