20- Celine

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His hands left my body and I curled my legs up towards my chest. I wrapped my arms around my knees. I tucked my head to hide my face and I just cried. I was in so much pain and I could not get the sting to go away from my skin. I felt like I was ripped open and someone was pouring salt on my cuts. 

Your behavior is corrected now...

If I was corrected why didn't I feel corrected? All I felt was pain. My skin was hot and clammy and my eyes would not stop leaking tears. He kept shushing me and telling me that it was okay. It's all over not, he kept saying. 

It didn't feel over. It felt like it just began. I untucked my head and I wiped my blurred vision and sniffled. Remy looked at me and he looked sad. Good. I sat up and covered my barely clothed body and I winced, more tears came out of my eyes. 

I began to sob because of the pain I felt. I tried to ignore the pain because I did not want to be in this room any longer. I stood to my feet and my knees buckled and I had to grab the wall to keep steadied. Rey stood up and rushed to me, his arms under mind to keep me standing. 

"Don't you touch me!" I screamed at him and I pushed him away from me. 

He put his hands up and he backed away from me and sat on the bed. I felt bad for yelling at him because I know why I was pushed. I did not understand why he hurt me so badly. It was almost like her was sir. Sir enjoyed punishing me and being me pain. Rey was not Sir and I shouldn't compare them, but I was in so much pain that it was hard not too. 

We locked eyes and I wiped more tears from my eyes and I bent down slowly to pick up my dress. I slowly stepped into it and winced when even the fabric touched my butt. I walked towards the door and I stopped when I heard Remy say something to me. 

"I will give you some space." He says to me. 

Like he had a choice? I did not want him near me right now. As much as I craved him and wanted him to touch me, this crossed the line. I was in so much pain and my heart was aching because I did not know why he was so harsh on me. I know I was a brat, I knew that, but I did not know why he had to punish me so badly. 

I walked up the stairs with difficulty and before I could open up the final door, it opened in front of me and Bailyn looked at me from the top of the stairs. 

"What did you do? I thought you were the perfect one?" She says to me and puts her paci back into her mouth and leaves the door open and walked away. 

I grip the doorknob and see the other set of stairs where the bathroom was. I did not want to feel mad at daddy. I wanted him to cuddle with me and I wanted him to give me a bath but I did not want him to touch the skin that I know he bruised. 




I drop my dress on the bathroom tile and stare at my figure in the mirror. My eyes are dull and puffy from crying and makeup is down my cheeks. I turn to see my bum. I put a hand to my mouth to muffle my sobs. My bum is so purple and so red that it is swollen. His hand marks are imprinted on my skin. The ointment he put on my skin did not help the pain. It intensified it. 

I started the bath rub and I made sure the water was cold to ease the pain. Once the tub was filled I sat down and as soon as the cold water hit my bum I cried out. I lowered the rest of my body into the water and began to shiver. I put my head on my knees and I closed my eyes. 





I woke up the next morning and  was in pajamas and I had breakfast all around me. All of my favorite foods were near me and I had new stuffs all around. There were clothes bags around my room and there was a new beset. 

I closed my eyes and I leaned forward slightly and winced because my injured skin was stretching. On the food tray, there was ointment and pain pills. I reached for my pancakes that were shaped in hearts and there was a little cup of syrup. 

I wasn't hungry. I didn't want to eat them. I pushed the tray away from me and turned back in my bed. My bedroom door opened and Ms. Lucy spoke through the dark. 

"Celine?" She says. 

"I just want to sleep. I hurt." I say, tears falling down my cheeks. 

Ms. Lucy makes a funny noise in her throat and she walks towards me, sitting on my bed. She puts my food tray on the floor and she curls up and gets in the bed with me. 

"How about I keep you company today? Would you like to watch netflix? I can go to the store and get some pain relievers." She says and touched my cheeks. 

I just shake my head and I take her arm and wrap it around me. I just wanted Remy but I did not want to be around him yet. 




Lemme know whatcha think <3 

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