Alternate Ending One- Remy

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From the side of the table, her swollen bump was the only thing visible from where I was sitting. Her hands rubbed over her bump as she turned toward me. My eyes moved up her stomach to her beautiful face. She was ready to pop the baby out, she was ready to not be pregnant anymore. 

Isaiah and I were seated at the table. Today was his birthday and he was turning six years old. Celine was making him a hearty breakfast. She stopped for a moment to look at us both. 

"Izzy, are you exited to go to the movies and Lego Land with daddy?" She asked him. 

He perked up and he bounced on his heels as he was sitting in the chair. 

"YES! I can't wait to see Lego Batman!" He said. 

"Please take lots of pictures. Mommy is still on bed rest for the next few weeks. Will you bring me back some cotton candy?" She asked him, looking at me. 

"Ill be sure to get one off of every ride he is on. Do you want me to help you carry food, baby?" 

"I want you to stop knocking me up." She joked. 

"Momma, whats knocked up?" Isaiah asked. 

"Grown up talk, Iz." I said to him. 

"Im a big boy dad. I turned six, TODAY!" He said. 

Isaiah looked just like Celine. He had all her mannerisms and my charm. He was the ladies man at the day care he went to. I couldn't wait to see what my unborn son would look like. As long as he took after Celine I would be happy. 

I stood up and I walked over to the love of my life and I rubbed her belly before grabbing the food. 

"Why don't you do sit by the birthday boy?" I asked her. 

"That is the best idea you've had all day." 

She sat by Isaiah and she rubbed his head. I put both of their plates in front of him and Isaiah started to dig in immediately. Food went everywhere and Celine laughed at him. 

"Slow down, Bub." She said. 

"Momma, when is my little brother going to be out of your belly?" He asked her as he stared at her stomach. 

She smiled her big, beautiful smile at him before turning to me. She rubbed her belly before she answered him. 

"He should be here any day now. I don't think ill make it two more weeks baby." She answered him. 

"Cant you just pick a day momma?" 

"It doesn't work that way baby. It takes a long time for the baby to cook in my belly. Then when the baby is cooked he comes out." 

Isaiah looked panicked before he looked at me. "Daddy, the baby is cooking! We need to get him out before he burns!" He yelled. 

I tried not to laugh. I picked my plate up and I carried it to the table with them. I sat down in front of them both and I had to think of how to explain it to him. 

"No, Bub. Not actually cooking. Do you remember the movie, the Storks? Well they dropped your brother off in your mom's belly. Soon, is going to be big and strong just like you and then he will come out." I said. 

"Okay, when are we going to Lego Land?" 




A few days later e were at the hospital. Celine was on pain medicines and Isaiah was in the bed next to her. I was so nervous. Celine assured that I would be okay but I wanted this to go perfectly. We had lost our second pregnancy in the very beginning. This would be our third attempt at trying to fulfill a pregnancy. 

She lifted her head off of the pillow and she screamed in pain. Isaiah started crying and I walked over and lifted him off of the bed. I gripped his body and he clung to me. I grabbed Celine's hand and her death grip wasn't letting up. 

"Baby, just breathe." I said to her, doing those crazy breath things we learned in the birth classes. 


I guess her pain medicines wore off. 

The doctors rushed in and they checked her to see how dilated she was. The baby was crowing and it was show time. Cassandra, Celine's sister took Isaiah out to her husband and she came back to hold Celine's other leg. 

Minutes later and many screams, I passed out as soon as I looked in between Celine's legs. 

"There he is!" The doctor said. 

I opened my eyes and they were blurry. I blinked several times and I was in the chair next to Celine. I glanced around the room and I saw the most beautiful sight I had ever laid eyes on. Celine was holding our new son and Isaiah was in the bed next to her. 

I had tears in my eyes. The baby had so much hair and his little eyes were swollen and had that glossy stuff on them. He had olive skin and he was beautiful. I got on my knees and I gripped Celine's other hand. 

I just cried and cried. She ran her hand through my hair. I heard footsteps leave as they were giving us privacy. 

"Momma, why is daddy crying?" Isaiah asked. 

"Thats what people do when they're happy baby. He loves you and your brother so much." She answered. 

I stood to my feet and I kissed Celine on her mouth before I looked at our son. She shifted and handed the new baby to me. 

"Daddy, be careful with his head. Momma says." Isaiah said. 

"Yes, sir." 

"We made a beautiful son, Remy." She said to me. 

"Whats his name?" I asked. 

"I was thinking after your brother Ric. Ricardo." She said. 

I looked at the baby in my arms. I rubbed my thumb across his cheek and had to blink back the tears. 

"Hello, Ric. I am your dad." I said to him. 

Ric cooed at me and he wiggled. 

This was the best moment of my life. 




Alternate ending number one!!!! There will be a few more! :) 

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