22- Celine

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It had been a week since I had any contact with Remy

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It had been a week since I had any contact with Remy. My bruises were almost completely gone and so was the pain. Ms Lucy and I have began to grow close and I began to adore her. I knew she adored me. 

A week without Remy was hard. I usually went to work with him, ate lunch with him, and came home with him. My heart beat for him but my mind would not let me get over the amount of pain the the inflicted on me. I stayed in my room and away from Bailyn. 

The few times I had seen her, she had shot me dirty looks and she made me uncomfortable. I know Remy was not paying any attention to her. I had gave in to the gifts that Remy bought me. Pajamas that said 'Daddy's Favorite Girl', 'Daddy's Princess'. I missed him so much. 

As I sat on the floor of my room, I put down Ellie and I stood up to my full height. A knock sounded at my door and my stomach began to growl as I opened the door. 

"Your room is a mess." He said to me. 

I closed my eyes and I bit my bottom lip. "May I please come in and talk to you?" He asked me. 

A sound left my throat that I wish I could have kept in. I shook my head and I backed up until I was able to sit on my bed. 

"Celine, I feel like shit. Complete shit. I go to work and I can't work. I come home and Bailyn annoys the f.uc.k out of me. Lucy stares at me like my mother used to when I can't admit I'm wrong." He says and he sinks to his knees on the floor. 

His hand reached to Ellie and he rubbed the soft material of my stuffy. I grip a hand into my Hello Kitty sheets and I grabbed my paci on my bed. I put my paci in my mouth and closed my eyes so I didn't have to look at his stupid pretty face that I just wanted to kiss. 

"Lina, lo siento." He says and grabs my hand. 

I flinch and tensed up. My hair raised all over my body and he doesn't move his hand. "I should have know that was too son to punish you that way. There were things that needed to be discussed. Safe words and most importantly, we needed to talk about Gavin. He broke you. I fixed you up and I just completely broke you again." 

Tears flow from my eyes and slide down my face. His thumbs wipe them away and my heart started to beat faster. He pulled at my paci and I let him take it out. My eyes open to his and he too had tears in his eyes. 

"Lina, I went across the line. There is no excuse for me going hard on you. I should have never let myself go overboard. I had too much tension in my mind and I know I took it out on you." He says to me. 

"You h-hurt me." I say and hiccup and burst into sobs. "I-I needed you all this time. I n-needed to be near you but i-I am scared of you." I say and for some reason I pulled him into a hug. 

He grips me tight and I cry into his shoulder. "I never meant to hurt you."

"But you did." I whisper and I put my face into his neck. It take his shirt and inhale his scent. 

My body shook and he rubbed my back. "You treated me like Sir did. That is why I am afraid that this will be another abusive relationship." I say. 

"We will never be that way. I love you, Lina. Lo sent. I mean it. I went overboard." 

"You did not even know you did, Remy!" I yelled at him. 

I backed away from him and began to grow angry. He wasn't even acknowledging that he hurt me! He was making excused for himself.

"I know why I was punished! I know I was a brat! I know I can be a handful! Im full of jealousy because you do not want just me! When I was with Gavin, even though he beat me and took advantage of me, he only wanted me! It was sick and corrupt. I found my little space because of him. I know that is where my safety is and you made me lose a part of me. My little space is where I am most vulnerable and you took advantage!" I finally say, with anger. 

As I said these word to him I could feel some things I had pinned up being released. 

"You knew that I was broken and timid when you wanted me to be your baby girl. You took advantage of that. Why can't you just admit that? You liked it and you thrive on it. Just like Gavin." I said. 

he stayed silent and he flared his nostrils. "I do not thrive off of punishments Celine. They are for a purpose. I actually hare it but sometimes they are needed. I went overboard because my mind was cluttered. The reason is because I cannot handle certain things. I would never intentionally lash out on you like that. It was the first time that I have ever went that far and it will be the last." 

"And it just so happened to be on a broken girl--"

His hands came to the back of my head and I was forced to look up at him. His thumbs caressed my cheeks and more tears left my eyes. 

"Lo siento. I made a mistake. A horrible mistake. I am trying so hard to fix you Celine. You have to try to fix owe too. I need you to know that I love you. SO much. I love you more than I can handle. This time where we were not together it  felt like sh.i.t. Bailyn is so annoying and I can't even see why I have her here in the first place."

I bit my bottom lip and my heart fluttered. "I need you to know this will never happen again and I will be relocating Bailyn. I love you, Celine. Please can you forgive me?" He asked me. 

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. My heart wanted him but my mind would never forget that he hurt me so deeply. 




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