38- Remy

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The next morning I woke up before Celine. As mad as we were together we still managed to sleep in the same bed. I sat on the edge of the bed and thought of everything I said to her. I meant it but I was sorry because of the way I said it. 

I brushed my hair with my fingers and I let out a yawn. I stood up and I walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Food was emerging in steam to the ceiling. I inhaled and when I got to the bottom of the stairs I gasped in shock. 

Bailyn was seated in a barstool eating food with Ms Lucy. "About time you joined." Lucy said. 

"Bailyn what are you doing here?" I snap and look at her from the stairs. 

"It is not only me that is here." She says. 

I look to Lucy and she stares at me with large eyes. "How did you get out of River Creek?" 

Bailyn stood up and she turned to me and I heard footsteps coming from the other room. "I don't just let sweet girls rot in a mental institution." A male voice said. 

I flared my nostrils and turned my head to see Gavin standing in the foyer. "Get the fuck out of my house." I said and walk towards him. 

"Remy...." Lucy says with her voice breaking. 

I turned to see a man holding a gun behind Lucy. Tears were pouring down her face as she looked at me. 

"Ive just coming to collect what is mine." Gavin said.  

"Leave Lucy alone. This has nothing to do with her. Celine and I were going to come by your place today. Get the fuck out of my house." I snapped. 

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I need her now." He says and I hear a scream come from the stairs. 

My body froze and I immediately ran up the stairs. I see Lina being pulled off of the bed by another man. We locked eyes and she was crying in fear. My body was shaking in rage as I watched him hold onto her arm so tight. 

"Let. Her. Go." I yelled. 

"You're not so tough without your little thugs are you?" He asked me. 

I huffed in anger and I darted to the nightstand beside my bed. I got the gun from under it and I pulled the trigger and shot the man that was holding Celine. He screamed in pain and he let her go. He fell to the floor and he held his arm. I pointed the gun to Gavin and I set the gun. One shot and he would be dead on the floor. 

Celine ran to me and she hugged me from behind. "Lina, call Ric and Xander and tell them to meet us here." I tell her. 




Lucy, Tuson, Lina, and Bailyn were all seated on the couch opposite Gavin and his two wounded men. 

"Bailyn, why would you go to Gavin, knowing what he did to Lina?" 

"He didn't desert me." She snaps. 

"I don't want her here." Celine said, looking at Bailyn. 

Bailyn laughed and she looked at me. "Just remember I was always here first, bitch." 

"Know your place Bailyn or you will be out." 

"Why did you come here Gavin?" Celine said.

Gavin looked at me and then he looked at Celine. "Your sister has been in contact with me. I was going to bring you to her." He said. 

"Bullshit." I snapped. 




Celine and I walked into Gavins home accompanied with Xander and Ric and a few of their men. Gavin lead us to his dining room where he said Celine's sister would be. Seated in a chair was a beautiful brunette whom looked almost identical to Celine. 

Cassandra stood up and she ran towards me with her arms open. Celine and her sister hugged. 

"There has to be something more than this, Rem." Ric said. 

I knew that there was something more to this than letting two sisters see each other. 




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