61- Celine

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Another few days has passed and I hadn't reached out to Remy. I forgave him but I didn't want him to think that I wanted to have a relationship with him ever again. Sex with him was great and that was all I needed. That was the final push to get me over him fully. When someone hurts you so badly, it's easy enough to walk away.

"I think you were really blind towards how he treated you, Celine." My mother said, stirring her coffee.

"Ma, I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm over him."

"Mhm. So Adrian Batista?" She questioned me.

"Ma. We're friends."

"Your sister says some things."

I stand to my feet and I pull my phone out of my back pocket and see that Adrain had texted me.

We still on for dinner tonight?

I smiled and texted him back. For sure. Can you pick me up at my moms?

Of course! ❤️

I put my phone in my pocket and I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Where will you be going today?" She asked me.

"We're just having dinner at Ocala." I said.

"You always loved that place."

"Well while I'm here I might as well eat it up."

"You have plans to go back to New York?"

"I have some loose ends to tie up."

"With Gavin?" She asked me with a shocked look.

"Remy. I have to get all of my things. I don't know where Gavin is, Ma."

"I'll bet you $500 that he ran to his mothers in Oakland."

"I don't care where he goes." I said.

My phone began to ring and I walked away from my mother and toward the front door where Adrian was. He opened his arms for me to hug him. I wrapped my arms around him and he smiled at me.

"It's good to see you." I said.

"How are things?" He questioned as he opened up the car door for me.

I got in and as he walked around the car he quickly got in. The car began to drive and he turned the radio on.

"Things in general?" I clarified.

He nodded and glanced at me. "He and I talked some a few days ago. I forgave him but I want nothing to do with him."

"Are you just saying that? I like you, Celine. I don't want to push anything but I don't want to be a doormat either."

I gripped his hand and I kissed his knuckles. "I'm sure. If there was ever hesitation I wouldn't be spending so much time with you."

"Okay. I just don't want to get my hopes up."

We were at a stop light and I leaned over the console and I gripped his chin in my grasp and I brought his lip to mine. He was shocked and but he pressed his lips to mine. Car horns were blaring and I pulled away, biting my lip and began to laugh.

"Go, go!"




After we finished our food and we small talked and got to know each other more, Adrian and I sat around the table and we were waiting for the bill.

"So, would you want to go somewhere with me this weekend?" He asked me.

"Where?" I asked him.

"This place up state in Fremont."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'd love to go."





So this is coming to an end! I don't want to drag this out longer than it needs to be.... there is a bit more drama to come... loose ends to be tied up. Max there will be 75 parts ❤️ just a heads up! Sorry this is so short! I just wanted to get something out tonight. More tomorrow

Bailyn's story's doing well! Also! I have a new work out! Check it out 😍

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