47- Remy

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Once the balcony opened, we were two stories up. There was a large drop from us to the ground. With me holding onto Bailyn and Celine holding onto Cassandra, it would be difficult for us to get out of here quickly.

I was last out of the room and I shut the glass door behind me. Because we were so high up, the wind was blowing, causing Bailyn and Cassandra to shiver. Celine eyed me as I held onto Bailyn. Her body was slumped just like Cassandra's. Whatever they were on was delaying their responses.

I looked at Celine and she looked nervous.

"Remy, the longer we stand here the less time we have to get out. We have to jump." She said to me.

"Celine, we need to find a ladder." I snapped.

With her grip tight on her sister, she leaned over the balcony and took a look. She pushed her hair behind her ear and she looked at me.

"There is a dumpster, Rem. We need to jump." She said, turning to look at Cassandra.

"Cassie, we are going to have to jump. Do you hear me?" She said.

"Dammit, Celine. No." I snapped.

"Do you have a better idea? I don't want to be here! I want to get out and somewhere safe." She yelled.

"Celine, where are we?" Cassandra asked.

At first when we found her she seemed to be have proper cognitive function, but now as time went on, she seemed to be delayed. Celine helped Cassandra put her legs over the balcony. Celine had tears in her eyes. Cassandra was gripping the hand rail tightly.

"Come on Sis. We have to jump." Celine said, hiking her leg over the railing. They held hands and seconds later, they jumped.

Celine screamed and then there was a thump. I quickly leaned over and saw them on top of garbage bags.

"Lina." I yelled, my voice cracking.

"Im okay. Hurry please." She called up to me.

I helped Bailyn over the ledge and I told her to jump. "Are you going with me daddy?" She asked me.

"Yes, come on baby, lets jump okay?" I asked her.

Like Celine, I sat beside Bailyn and together, we jumped. We hit the garbage bags with a large thump and the breath left my body. We all managed to get out of the dumpster and Celine ran up to me. Her arms were wrapped around my neck so tightly, I could barely breathe.

Her body was shaking in a fit and I could tell she was crying. I wrapped my arms around her so tightly.

"We made it. Lets get out of here. I know where we can go and be safe." I said to her.

We would go to my mother's. Where Celine was in the first place.




Lucy and Tuson were standing in the door way of my mother's home. Nostalgia filled my core as I could picture her standing there. This was always a safe haven. She has set this home aside for whenever Ric or I would have children. She wanted them to grow up somewhere safe. She knew our lives were dangerous.

Lucy, the only mother figure I had left ran to me, her arms stretched wide. She trembled as she wrapped her arms around me. She sobbed and held onto me. I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her nurturing.

She let me go and she saw Bailyn and Celine behind me. More tears left her eyes as she made the two of them give her a hug.

"I did not think I would see any of you ever again." She said. She glared at Celine.

"Don't you ever leave when you are told to stay." She yelled. Pointing towards the door.

We all walked after her and Tuson hugged me once I got to the door. "Thank you for keeping her safe." I said, walking in.

He shut the door behind us all. Lucy led us into the living room where my father was seated. Fury ignited my body and I pushed Celine behind me. Bailyn was seated with her eyes on me. Cassandra was behind Celine. There was tension in this room and I was not ready to face it.

"Where is Ric? Xander?" Lucy asked.

Silence filled the room and Celine broke down in sobs. Her bloody hands gripped my shirt.

"Dead." I said, emotionless.

Lucy put her hands to her mouth to hide her shock. "Both of them?"

"Just Ric. Im sure Xander is hostage." I said.

"I've already received his body. We will hold a memorial for him." My father said.

That is when I snapped. Fury coursed through my body and I charged after him. How could he be in my mothers house? How could he when he let her get murdered? How could he talk about my brother like he was a ghost?

"Remy no!" Celine called after me.

Something about her voice stopped me. I was an inch from my father, his shirt was fisted in my hands. We were eye to eye. I was breathing heavily and for the first time in my life, my father feared me.

I stepped back and composed myself. I walked towards Celine. "Lets go to bed. Lets go be us. Let me calm you." She whispered.

"Your room and bed is made up. Your mothers old room is ready for you." Lucy said.

I nodded to her.

I held Celine's hand, leading her to the stairs. Since the death of our son, to all of this, I needed her. I hadn't felt close to her in forever. I needed to be healed and to think of something else. I needed her.




IM AT 400 FOLLOWERS! As promised! Here is an update :)

SMUT IS NEXT!!!! Be prepared ❤️ it's coming back because it's been too long ❤️

Xoxo M

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