37- Remy

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Celine and I were on the plane and the entirety of the flight was silence. Celine couldnt look at me and I could not stand to look at her. I was appalled at her and this sister of hers. I was pissed at the world, at God, at life, at everything that was going on. I dont know why i was being dealt these cards. 

I mean, my first child had to be gone too soon. The love of my life has to have a crazy ex boyfriend and a nosey sister. As bad as it sounds, I got rid of Bailyn and Kenzie so that Celine and I could have a shot at happiness. I dont understand what was going on right now. 

I missed Bailyn and her simplicity. I missed Mackenzie and her maturity when dealing with situations. I know that if they were here now, they would help me. Celine feels distant and I dont feel connected to her anymore. Celine is the reason why my 2 babygirls left. I didnt want to make her feel bad. 

I ruined Bailyn and Mackenzie for her, and now she was ruining me. Celine knew just where to hit me. She knew my weaknesses. She knew that I could be jealous and full of anger when it came to Gavin.  As soon as our son died, I hear about Gavin? I began to question Celine's motives. 

Part of me felt wrong for even wondering what Celine was up too. Celine is the love of my life and I want to believe that she wouldnt try to hurt me, but how could i be sure? How could I be sure that she didnt kill our son? What if she didnt want me to find out about the baby? I know that these are all insane thoughts and that im being illogical because i am in pain and I am hurt, but I cannot help it.

I know Celine was hiding something and she didnt want me to find out. We have had many conversations about family and friends and she never told me about a sister. 




When we landed in NYC, Tuson was waiting for us with the car. He held the door open for us and she got in the car first. I know she was tired and I could at least let her lean on me. As much as I didnt want her to. 

The drive was quiet. Tuson was quiet. He didnt even ask how our trip was. The hospital must have called him and Ms Lucy. I feel empty as we are approaching the apartment. We should be coming home with out son. 

"Lina, we are here." I said, pushing her off of me. I didnt want to be near her anymore. 

She sat up and she looked at me as she rubbed her eyes. "May I go in and sleep? Or are you going to force me to go to see my sister?" She snapped. 

"I dont like your shitty attitude, Lina. Lose it or else." I snap back. 

She glared at me and she hurried out of the car and shoved passed me. She turned her head back and she rolled her eyes. I followed behind her and shut the door behind me. Lina was not anywhere to be found in the house. 

I walked into the kitchen and there was Ms Lucy standing in the kitchen. She had tears in her eyes as she came over to me. She opened her arms and tears gathered in my eyes. I walked to her and I bent down and hugged her. Ms Lucy was like my mother. I would give anything to have my mother here right now. 

"Remy," Lucy said. 

I sniffed and let her rub my back. "Oh my boy." She said and didnt let go.




How do you think Rem will continue to cope? What do you think will happen with Gavin and Cassandra? Did anyone see the foreshadowing? 

*insert monkey emoji that covers its mouth* 

Thanks for all the views! You are all amazing! Please Please Please Comment! 



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