33- Remy

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Celine and I finished swimming and we climbed up the ladder. Once I was out of the water, I held my arms out for Celine to step into. When she was at the top of the states, I gripped her hips and she wrapped her arms around my waist. I leaned my back against the balcony and I stared at her. She put her hands around my face and she poked my nose.

"Why are you different today? Daddy, you usually love it when I wake you up like I did today." She tells me, concern on her face.

I sigh and I rub my thumbs against her skin. Our naked skin makes heat rise to the surface of my skin, breathing heavily.

"You can talk to me, Remy. We are supposed to be there for one another. You don't have to be there for me always and you don't have to be strong everyday. " She told me, slipping from her little space.

She unhooked her legs from around my body and she slides down my body. She takes my hand in hers and leads me into the bedroom. She walked towards the bed and she made me sit on the edge of the bed. She grabbed her purple silk robe and she put it loosely over her body. She grabbed my robe also, putting it around my shoulder and walks to the front of the suite. The unlocked the door, opened it and stood waiting for me to catch up.

I put my robe on and tied it loosely and walked near her. I shut the door behind me and I followed her, watching her hips sway naturally.

"Where are we going?" I asked her.

She didn't answer me as I held her hand. I grabbed it and out fingers latch. My toes hit the sand and she pulled me to walk in stride with her. She leaned into buy body and I laid her head against my shoulder. "Talk to me." She said.

I could feel tension building in my chest at the thought of telling her what has been happening in my life. I have tried hard to keep certain things from her so that she didn't have to have any worry.

"While I was a teenager and into my early twenties I had some run ins with bad people. My mother passed away and I was devastated." I say, my voice cracking thinking about my mother.

She rubs my arm as we keep walking on the beach. "I ran into this man named Chilino. This man told me that he could get me started up in a business that would help me become successful. This business was international. All about guns. Anyways, I got caught into it for a few years and I wanted out. I wanted a better life be cause my mother wouldn't have wanted that for me. I left Columbia and came to America. I have been on the run from him for a few years."

She doesn't speak but just lets me talk, finally, it felt good to give some of the much needed stress off of my shoulders. "Have you ever killed people?" She asked me.

I nod and I pull her hips to mine. "I was a different person than I am not. Back then, nothing mattered. I was lost and I finally found my way. I left Columbia with the guns and came back to where I am from, my native country. I rekindled with my brother and my close friend. I started up my business and--" I say, not able to finish.

Celine did not know how much weight I carried. I had killed people and everyday I carried their faces and names in my mind. She gripped my cheeks and she wiped away tears that I hadn't known had fallen. "That doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that you're here standing with me now. All that matters is that you have changed and that you have healed." She said to me.

"Chili no and his partner Nelson, are searching for me again. I have known for awhile now. They don't know where I am, but it won't be long until they find me." I say to her.

She furrows her eyebrows and she leaned her head against my chest. "Please tell me that is not why you got rid of Bailyn and Kenzie. Just so that you have less of a burden for when they fid you. Just so you can ship me off too." She says, her voice cracking, tears falling out of her eyes.

I hold her hands to my heart and I kiss her knuckles. "No, NO." I say, pulling her in a hug.

"Mackenzie and I had a mutual understanding. Bailyn is gone because I would rather have you instead of her. I have been paying for Bailyn to be in River Creek Institution and as for Kenzie, I pay for her court fees. I just want you in my life, Lina. I do not want anybody else." I say to her and kiss all over her face.

She giggled and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thank you for trusting me with all of this."

"You're the only person outside of Xander and Ric that know's this. I trust you because I love you so much, I need you to know me. Even the darkest parts of me." I say to her.

She closed her eyes and she made my face come closer to her. Our foreheads touched and she opened her eyes to look into mine. "We may have a special relationship, Remy, but that doesn't mean that we cannot have a normal functioning relationship. What we have is special. I lovee you. You are my daddy, you are my teddy bear at night when I sleep, you are my rock, and you are my love." Celine tells me, jumping on my front, wrapping her legs tightly around my waist.

I laugh. "Your teddy huh?"

She shakes her head and she started planting kisses all over my neck. I laughed and turned my head as she blew raspberries into my skin. "Baby, what are you doing?" I laugh at her.

"Giving my daddy lots of kisses." She said.

Celine was so amazing and she was the best thing in my life. She surprised me today when she was so understanding and accepting about me. I underestimated her by a long shot. If it was more possible to fall in love with her, I did tonight as we laid on the beach and got drunk off of laughter.




Here is an update <3 almost 70k and 2k votes and counting <3 thank you all! please comment and vote!

xoxo M

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