13- Remy

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The water continued to flow over us as I kissed her lips. She gasped and she began to move her lips with mine. Her hair was stuck all over her when I pulled away she stated to giggle. 

"Sorry Daddy, My hair is silly." She says. 

"its okay baby. daddy would love nothing more than to f.u.ck you here in this shower right now. I want to take all of your pain away but I know you're not ready for all of that." I said. 

She poked her bottom lip out. "Why not?" She asked me. 

"I only just kissed you. Maybe in a few weeks or a month we can do that. I dont want to put a time on how ready you will be. I will respect your body and your wishes as you are not ready." I tell her. 

"When can I get pretty bedding and pictures to put on my walls? And when will somebody bring my me all my stuffies and paci's and blankies from the car?" She asked me, running her fingers through my hair. 

"Oh and your pretty grown up clothes you get to wear tomorrow?" I tease her. 

She rolled here eyes at me and immediately my palm twitched around her arm."Did somebody forget the rules? I asked her. 

her eyes go wide. This was the second time today that she disobeyed me. I wanted to take it easier on her in the first few days and especially now because of what that piece of s.h.it Gavin did to her. 

"I-Im sorry." She says and she kneels down in front of me and she put her head against my arms.

"Celine, baby, lets get all dried off and daddy will give you so many smooches. We will cuddle and watch something on Netflix. How does that sound baby?" I asked her. 

I was well aware that in just 5 hours I would have to get up and get us ready to go to work. I know she was hurting and she was scared beacuse of what that bastard did to her, but she didnt need to be afraid anymore. 

Once we were both out of the shower, I dried us both off and I led her back to my bed. i smiled when I was Bailyn and Kenzie sleeping so softly. I gave Celine one of Bailyn's nighties and then I helped her put it on. I left Celine standing by the bathroom door and I walked over to the bed to move Bailyn over. tonight I guess I would be sleeping with all of my little ones. 

Bailyn whined when I moved her body over but she complied. Mackenzie did not move one bit. I beckoned Celine over to me. I climbed in bed and I laid next to Bailyn and I patted the bed on the other side of me. I thank God that I had a huge bed because 4 adult bodies sleeping on one bed would be difficult othewise

I wrapped an arm around Celine and I pulled her body close to mine. She wrapped her arms aorund me so tightly and she snuggled her wet head right under my chin. I smiled and I rubbed her back. Within seconds, she was out like a light.




My alarm went off exactly at 4:45 A.M. 

"Turn it offffffff." Bailyn whined

I breathed in deeply and looked down to Celine's legs tightly wrapped around my torso. I smiled and I rubbed my face before reaching over her to turn off the alarm clock. 

"Bailym, to your room please." I tell her and start to rub Celine's face.

She pretends to sleep by snoring, and I have to keep myself from smiling at her cuteness. I was just too tired to deal with games this early in the morning however. I turn on my side and I put my elbow into the mattress and I lean my head on my hand. 

I begin to rub Bailyn's back and I kiss her bare shoulder. The nightie she was wearing was enough to make my d.i.ck begin to grow. I unhooked Celine's legs from my body and I scooted close to Bailyn's back. I pulled her hips to mine and I pushed my bulge against her. She whined and turned over to face me. I gripped her chin and I kissed her lips. She began to grind her hips into mine. 

"No, sweet pea. Now that I have woken you up, you need to get in your bed so that Celine and I can get ready for work." I say to her and move her hair from her face. 

"But Mackenzie is still here." She whines and latched onto my body.

"She is about to get up. Let's go. I am losing my patience." I say and sit up to crawl over Celine's sleeping body.

Bailyn rolls her eyes at me before she hops out of my bed. I flare my nostrils, not in the mood for her stupid morning brattiness. I follow her to her room and I slam the door behind me. She curled up in her bed and looked at me. 

"When I get home, you know where to be." Is all I say before I walk out of her bedroom. 

I put my hands against my face and try to rub the sleep out of my eyes. Mackenzie was gone out of my room and only Celine remained, laying in a ball. I walk towards her and I started to rub her face. She was so beautifully breathtaking. I didnt know what she was doing to me. 

"Celine, beautiful girl, little one, it is time to wake up." I say to her. 

She yawns before she opened her eyes and was blinded by the lamp that I had turned on. She rubs her eyes and looks at me with her eyes hooded to not be blinded. She smiled when she sees me and sits up slowly. 

"Are you ready for your first day working with me?" I asked her. 

She shrugs and she stands to stretch. " I have to peeeeeeeeeeeeee!" She all but shouts and pushed past me to run to the bathroom. 

She left the door open and I had to laugh at her. When she was done, I heard the sink begin to run. I walked into the bathroom and I saw her using my toothbursh. 

"What do you think youre doing?" I asked raising an eyebrow. 

She gags as she began to brush her tongue."Well daddy knows he cant stick his c o.c. k down your throat." I tell her. 

She gags and drops the toothbrush in the sink. She rinsed her mouth and spits the water out. 

"DADDY!" She says. 

"Baby?" I tease. 

"I'm all ready to be going to work with you! Can I pretty please wear my pretty clothes and not those uncomfy ones?" She asked me. 

"No, baby, you have to wear the uncomofy ones. Come on. Let's go get the one that you tried on for me yesterday. Daddy loved that one." I say to her and gently tap her butt.

She squeals and runs  into my closet. I flip the light and I reach for the outfit that I fell in love with on her yesterday. I hand it to her and she pouts. "It will be okay. Its only for a few hours. Then I will go down to the car myself and get your clothes, stuffies, and toys okay?" I tell her. 

She nods eagerly. She runs out of the closet and I hear her bedroom door slam. 






Gossip girl 

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