46- Remy

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To free my debts, Xander's, and Ric's? At the cost of Celine and her sister? And Bailyn? I couldn't do that to them. I wanted nothing more than to be free of him, to be able to love Celine without any interruption. I wanted Bailyn to be happy, even if her and Cassandra helped Chilino.

Chilino led me and Celine to a room, where both of us were alone. Her black hair was in her face, her trench coat off and beside her. She looked so scared. Her bottom lip was bleeding because she bit it so hard.

"I love you." I told her.

She stared at her hands, still costed with my brothers blood. "I l-love you."

Tears fell from her eyes. She got up and she came to stand in front of me. I looked at her with tears threatening to falls.

"I'll do it." She said to me.

I immediately stood up and wrapped my arms around her. "No. That is unacceptable. You will not be doing that."

"If it can help you? Help Xander? Unfortunately it's too late for Ric..." her voice cracked and I fell to my knees.

How could Chilino just kill my brother? I felt weak. What was I to do? How could I possibly do anything to rectify this? Celine put her hands in my hair, pulling at the roots.

"Remy, please. Look at me." She said.

Before she could get another word out the door to our private room opened. "Chilino wants his decision."

"I'll do it.." Celine said.

I stood up off of my knees and I pulled her to my body. "No she isn't. None of them are. Tell him he can kill me." Remy said.

Two men walked towards Celine and I. Celine gripped the back of my shirt. I could tell her body was shaking. If this could all be over, what would this look like? What would I need to do?


Celine and I sat across from each other in this room. Her on one side of the couch, me on the other. We tried to make as best a plan as we could. We had to get out of here. I had to get Bailyn and Cassandra. Xander could handle himself.

We agreed that Celine would offer herself. She would start to let them take her and she would be hesitant. Her being hesitant would cause them to grip her tighter and put more effort into it. Celine would knee one in his groin. I would do the rest.

It was not a well developed plan because we didn't have weapons. We didn't have anything but each other. I was hoping that this would at least distract them enough so that we could get a head start out of this hotel.


I stepped away from Celine and let them each grab her arm. Quickly looking around the room, my eyes landed on a vase. Against the current plan, I took silent quick steps towards the lamp. I gripped it in my hands and as soon as I threw it in the air, Lina put up a fight.

"You're hurting me." She complained.

The case collided with the man in the rights head. He groaned and he put his hand to the back of his head. Celine took her knee and she brought it forcefully to the man in the lefts groin. He immediately fell to his knees.

Quickly, things happened. I went to the man on the right, pinned him to the wall, and I brought my fist to his head. Over and over I forcefully punched him. His face began to show blood and I heard Celine's cries behind me.

The man dropped to the floor in a lifeless lump. The man on the ground was slowly getting up from the round. As he started to stand he reached for Celine. Before I could say anything to her, she brought her leg back and kicked him in his balls, hard.

I stepped in front of her, punching the man repeatedly in the back of the head. Moments later he too, fell to the ground, lifeless.

I turned towards Celine and I gripped her body. "Don't you ever offer yourself Again. You are mine. Do you hear me? We're getting out of here."




We made it to where the elevators were. I had no idea where Cassandra or Bailyn was. I know that Celine was safe and that was my biggest priority.

"Where's Cassandra? Bailyn? Xander?"

"I don't know." I said back to her,

"I'm not leaving without them."

"You will be going if I say. I will find them."  I snapped at her.

The hallway was silent. There were no guards. There was a room beside the elevator. I made sure to feel Celine near me before I opened up the door. I put my ear to the door, I heard nothing.

I turned the knob in my hand. Inside we're Cassandra and Bailyn, unconscious on a bed. Celine and I walked in, silently. Celine shut the door behind her. She gasped as she saw her sisters body, unconscious.

She ran to her sister and began to shake her. "Cass? Cassie?" She whispered, loud.

There was a groan that came from her throat. I looked towards Bailyn and I walked towards her. She looked beautiful but she had a bloody nose.

"B. Bailyn. Wake up." I said, running my hand across her cheek.

Cassandra sat up and hugged Celine. "I'm so sorry I was apart of this, I fell for his tricks. I didn't know this would happen. It was all Gavin." She said.

"We're getting out of here." Lina said.

Bailyn opened her eyes. She looked cross eyed before her eyes focused on me. "Daddy?" She asked me.

"Hi, Bailyn. Let's get you out of here. I scooped her up in my arms.

"Cassandra, is there an exit in here?" I asked her.

I could feel Celine's eyes on me, burning into my skin.

"There is a fire escape in this room." She said, standing in her feet.

"Where is Xander?" Celine asked me, helping her sister get her balance.

"Lina let's focus on getting us all out. He will be fine."

"Like your brother was fine?" She snapped.

With her dried bloody hands, she opened the sliding glass door in the room, pulling it back and stepping on the balcony.




IM SO SO SO SORRY FOR A DELAYED UPDATE! I've had some emotional things going on, per my last authors note. I also have some health issues that have needed my attention. I'm on winter break and updates will come more frequently ❤️ thank you so much for staying with me.

Question for you. How did YOU get over your ex? Shit is tough. 😭

Xoxo, Meg

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