53- Celine

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Daddy didn't come home last night. I was worried about him even though he said he would take awhile with answering some questions. I missed him because I was so scared that he wasn't going to make it or be safe going back there. I was worried about Xander too. 

Xander had protected me and he loved Daddy just like I did. Xander was the only person that Daddy had left and he was so important. 

I woke up with Bailyn beside me in the bed and I rolled my eyes. I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen with her. She was annoying and she wanted all of the attention all of the time. Right now was not the time for her, it was a time for healing because was had all been through so much. She didn't see it that way. She saw it as competition. 

I got up and I showered and got ready. Everything was foreign here. Nothing was like the house that daddy and I had. I knew where everything was there, but without him here, it was difficult for me to navigate and be comfortable. 

I peeked my head out of the bedroom door and I could head Ms Lucy and Tuson talking. I walked down the winding stairs and I saw them smiling at each other. I hope in many years that this would be Daddy and I. 

"Line, dear. Would you like some pancakes?" Ms Lucy asked me. 

I shake my head with a small smile on my face. She got up and she went into the kitchen. I had never talked to Tuson really, but he seemed like such a nice man. 

"Tuson, I know we don't really speak but thank you for everything you do for Daddy and me." I said. 

I slapped my hand over my mouth. What if Tuson didn't know? Daddy would be mad?

"I mean Remy." I said. 

He laughed and he patted the couch seat next to him, where Ms Lucy was sitting. "It's okay, Celine. I know about everything. Do not fret." He said. 

I smiled at him and examined his face. He was a handsome older man with greying hair and wrinkles on his face. He seemed to have a lot of knowledge and love in his heart. 

"Do you have children Tuson?" I asked him. 

"I have three. Sadly, my youngest daughter passed." He said. 

My heart started to beat faster. I knew what it was like to lose a baby. I put my hands on my stomach and rubbed. My little Isaiah that I never knew about grew inside of me. He was precious. tears filled my eyes and I prayed that they wouldn't fall. 

"Im so sorry, Tuson. I know what its like."

"It is a pain you will never get over, but you will grow to live with. I am thankful for my healthy, living girls now." He said. 

I smiled at him and heard Ms Lucy call my name from the kitchen. I leaned over and I gave Tuson a big hug. He hugged me tightly before letting me go. 

I ran to the kitchen and bitchy Bailyn was sitting at the dining room table. Ms Lucy gave me a look and she set my plate in front of me. Syrup was already poured over my plate and I began to start eating. 

"Remy called this morning to speak with Tuson. He will be driving to the airport to pick up Kenzie. She is coming back from Delaware. We will all be staying in the mansion once again, later on this week. Kenzie is bringing her daughter with her so please," She turned to Bailyn. "be on your best behavior." 

Bailyn rolled her eyes and looked at me. "You think I'm the one who needs to behave? Have you met Celine?" Bailyn snapped. 

I kept my mouth shut and ate my pancakes. It would be good to see Kenzie again. It had been awhile since I saw her, and when she was living with us, I never had problems with her. 

"When does her flight land? I would like to go with Tuson to pick her up." I said, looking to Ms Lucy. 

Anything to get away from Bailyn would make me happy. 

"Why hasn't daddy called and asked to speak with me?" Bailyn asked. 

My head whipped around so quickly. All of my frustration came out. I jumped towards her and our bodies went tumbling to the ground. She started squirming and I held her shoulder down, pinned to the ground. 

Our faces were so close and I hated her. 

"He is not you daddy!" I yelled. 

I got off of her and stood up. Ms Lucy's eyes were big and her jaw was open. It was unlike me but I hated Bailyn. I hated that she still has some sort of hold on Daddy. They still had a connection, even though he denied it. 

I couldn't wait for him to be home just so that we could talk about what was going to happen. Who knows, maybe he would get rid of me like he did Bailyn. 




Ms Lucy, Tuson, Bailyn, and I were all waiting at the gate. Bailyn was on the other side of the two and I at the other end. We hadn't spoken or looked at each other since. Tuson was holding a sign in his hand that had Mackenzie's name on it. 

There were so many people walking around us that at first I couldn't spot her. I eventually saw her, accompanied by a little girl. The little girl was holding onto Kenzie's hand, pulling her. Im sure we all smiled at the cuteness.  

Kenzie looked so beautiful. I knew that Daddy loved her too. It was hard not to be jealous because it wasn't his choice for her to be sent away. 

Kenzie quickened her pace and she ran up to Ms Lucy. They hugged for a long time before she hugged Tuson and then Bailyn. She smiled at me and then she hugged me.  

"How have you been, Celine?" She asked me. 

"Fine, you?" 

"I've got my girl back. Im good." She said, briefly before we started walking back to the car. 




Kenzie's daughter was named, Maya. She was 4 and she was cute. She kept looking at me and I would stare back at her. She would smile and I would smile back at her. 

"Did Lucy talk to you already about Maya?" Kenzie asked. 

"I told them what Remy told me to tell. Best behavior, Celine." Ms Lucy said. 

Kenzie laughed and she looked at Bailyn. 

"B, you've not said one word. Whats wrong?" Kenzie asked. 

"You've missed a lot. Lina has a sister. We almost died. Just a lot." She blurted. 

Maybe all of this was catching up to her and she would finally realize that this was the time for healing. 

My mind went to Cassandra. She hadn't come out of the spare room. I knew that she was trying to cope with everything that was happening and she had to do that alone. At least thats what I hope it was. 




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