56- Celine

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I had Captain in my lap. Whenever we had to run, we left the dog with a doggy day care. It had been so long since I was able to pet Captain that he didn't realize who I was. Cassandra was asking me all about the dog but I could let answer many questions.

I was just glad that he was going with me to California. Captain was the only part of Remy that I wanted to be with me. Cassandra and I were seated in the plane and we excitedly were looking out the window. Leaving Ms. Lucy was hard because she just kept crying.

Tuson didn't say a word as we left and drove us to the car. I didn't talk to anybody at all and I just gathered my bags and my sister and I were gone. I couldn't look at Mackenzie and Remy was asking me not to go.

When we landed, Captain yipped and Cassandra asked if she could carry him. We traded off and I carried our carryon bags.

We began to walk off the plane and there were so many people walking around. Standing there with heels and her hair done up, was Luciana Sanches. She was beautiful.

Cassandra ran up to her and enveloped her into a hug. They hugged and chatted in Spanish as I stood behind with my arms crossed. My mother locked eyes with me and she raised an eyebrow.

"Are you running back home now?" She asked.

"Ma." I said, rolling my eyes, reaching to one arm hug her.

She returned my hug and kissed my head. She took the bag from me and she gripped my cheek. "Eres hermosa."

I smiled and we started to walk toward the exit. There standing against a car, with the trunk popped open was my father. I gulped and I grabbed Cassandra's hand.

My father was not a nice man and neither Cassandra or I cared for him. He put a finger in the air and motioned for me to come closer to him. I obliged and walked closer to the car.

"How has my angel been?" He questions.

"Muy bien." I responded.

He opened the car door for me as I got in. Cassandra hugged him and my father pet Captain gently. The door closed behind Cassandra and her and I both began to laugh.

"I haven't missed this at all." I said.

"It'll be nice for a vacation. Ma has missed you a lot. We can stay at my place anyway." Cassandra said.

I leaned back in the seat, sighing in relief. It felt good to be off the radar from everybody. The change of scenery would be good and I couldn't wait to go to the beach again.

A few hours later, our parents dropped us off at Cassandra's place. We shoes Captain around and puppy pads he could use the bathroom on. We agreed that we would be going to the beach.

I sat down on the couch to relax for just a minute. Since early this morning we had been on the go, but I was ready to feel the ocean on my legs. The time difference was something that was a plus today because I had a few more hours of sunlight left.

Cassandra came out shortly dressed in a simple black bikini. My eyelids became heavy and Cassandra rolled her eyes at me.

"Come I'm sleepy head. Let's go get some sun. Moms going to come along." She said.

"Alright." I groaned, getting up and going to my suitcase.

I dug around and found my bathing suit. I walked toward the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I leaned against the door and I felt the need to cry. I hadn't cried much and I felt like I had an overwhelming need to let emotions out.

The last time I was in a bathing suit, the last time I was at the beach, was when Remy and I went to the beach. I dropped my clothing and slipped into my bathing suit.

I came out and Cassandra smiled at me.

"Do you want to leave Captain here?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I said, following her out of the apartment.

We walked together talking about childhood memories and making jokes about her ex boyfriends. I felt like I wasn't really here. I missed Remy and I missed New York.

When we got to the beach, I could have cried. The sand was warm against my feet, the waves made the best sound and I was running quickly to the edge.

I dove into the water and I could vaguely hear my sister calling my name but I didn't have a care in the world. When my head went under, it felt so peaceful. I could feel the saltiness on my skin and when I popped back up, I floated on my back just soaking up the sun.

My mind went back to so many memories. I had such a good time with Remy. So how could he cheat on me? I didn't understand how he could jeopardize us.

Cassandra joined me in the water and eventually, our bodies were washed up the shore. We laid against the sand with our eyes closed.

"I thought you said Mom was coming." I questioned.

"She says a lot." Was all she said.




The next few weeks passed in a blur. It felt good to relax and get away from everything. Cassandra went back to work and it was mostly just Captain and I.

I didn't see my father again since the airport and my mom rarely made an appearance. It was much like my childhood. They were in and out and I was forced to find comfort in myself.

I went to the beach daily, I took Captain in walks, and I missed Remy each day. My sister told me I shouldn't call, I should let him miss me. But I missed him so much.

Cassandra walked into the apartment and she looked like she had a rough day.

"Celine. It's not that hard to clean. The dog is making it smell in here and you need to get a job or go back home." She snapped.

"What? I've cleaned up the puppy pad. I've cleaned up and done dishes." I said, feeling like she was ungrateful.

She sighed and she leaned on the counter in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, Mom just called me and she yelled at me."

I get up and I just walked back in my room. I hadn't been here but a few weeks and she doesn't want me here anymore. I felt like I had no place to go and I felt alone.




Short update, but I had to get something out :) more to come! 😇

Xoxo m

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