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Do you remember what ***** means? SMUT 😏😏😏




Celine's POV

I looked at the clock anticipating it to be midnight. When it hit midnight, that meant it was Christmas. Just a few days before, daddy and I had decorated our pretty tree. I wanted a real tree but daddy said that they were too messy. I told him that I would be his best helped and clean but he said no.

I sat on the floor, in front of the tree watching the clock. Daddy was in the kitchen making us hot chocolate. I could hear him clanking the glass cups around. I giggled to myself because while he was away, I had changed to my outfit. I was wearing a Santa hat, a red lacy bra, and a red lacy thing, with garters connected into boots.

Daddy loved when I dressed like a grown woman. He said my curves were to die for. Although I was uncomfortable, I know my body drove him crazy. There was only 30 more seconds until it was midnight.

"Daddy! I want hot chocolate now. Pleeeeeasssseeee." I yelled through the House.

"Easy, kitten. I'm stirring it and I'm going to bring it in!" He called back.

I rolled my eyes and I awaited for him. I watched the opening from the kitchen to the living room, I watched the clock and I could wait to welcome Christmas to him. I heard his steps coming closer now. I bit my bottom lip to control my excitement. When he saw me he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of me.

He entered and I looked at him. To say he saw me was an understatement. He immediately put the cups down on the ground and he came over to me so quickly.

"Stand up." He ordered me.

I gave him my smirk and I stood up, slowly. His eyes moved over my figure. He looked at my boobs and his eyes went down to my thighs. "Jesus, fuck, baby." He said.

I turned around for him slowly so he could see me Ass. "Lina, what the fuck are you doing to me?" He asked.

"I'm here to see if you've been naughty or nice. Merry Christmas, daddy." I said to him.

With my finger pointed I put my finger in the direction of the couch. He liked this, me being in charge for once. This was so new to me. I had done so much research at what it meant to be dominate. I had no idea what I was doing:l but I was having fun.

He sat down, eagerly. I walked until I was in front of him. I grabbed a remote that was on the arm of the couch and I pressed a button which made the radio begin to play. Soft tunes of an R&B Song played and it made my body begin to sway.

I started with my hands, running them over my body, slowly, while keeping eye contact with him. I put my hands in my hair and I pulled at the roots. I kept one hand in my hair and I moved the other down my neck. I tilted my neck to the side. My hand cupped my breast and I pulled on my nipple to make I hard.

"Fuck." He whispered, his eyes never left me.

I bit my bottom lip and my hand travelled farther down my body, into the band of my panties. I put my hand inside my panties and I found my c.lit. I began to rub while watching him, moving my hips to the beat of the music.

He groaned and he told me, "enough."

He ordered me to lay down in the couch. I did as I was told and I laid down. He reaches for the neck of his shirt and he pulled up and his shirt was on the floor. His body was on display for me and I immediately felt my wetness begin to move down my legs.

He pulled my hat off my head and he forced his lips upon mine. I don't remember how our clothes ended coming off, but when he was kissing down my body, I was under his spell. He made me Pin my hands above my head. He told me not to move them or there would be consequences.

His mouth met my core and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. I had the urge to move my hands but I listened. I didn't want him to move his lips. His tongue began to flick across my c.lit with expertise. He dipped lower, using his tongue to lick inside of me, bringing my wetness out. His mouth moved back to my center as I felt his fingers begin to thrust inside of me.

Moans escaped my mouth and I saw him looking up at me. Keeping eye contact. My hips bucked and my hands moved on their own accord, to be in his hair. I wanted to hold his face there forever. He immediately moved and he told me to get on my knees.

I did as I was told and his hand was gripped in my hair, his c.ock was near my mouth. I gripped him in my hand and I put my mouth on the tip of his dick. I flicked my rogue against him before licking up his shaft. My mouth met the head and he forced himself to the back of my throat. I pumped him as he f.ucked my face.

My eyes began to water, but I kept my light open for him. As I pumped him I could taste some of the pre cum that left his c.ock. He pulled himself away from my and I still sucked on the tip of his cock.

"Enough. I can't cum yet. I haven't felt you." He said to me with a growl.

I bent myself over the couch, putting my hands behind my back. He gave my ass a few slaps before he used his fingers to make sure I was ready for him. He pushed his coc.k inside of me and I loaned loudly. He began to thrust into my wetness and I had to dig my feet in the ground to stay level with him.

His forceful thrusts made my face land into the couch. I didn't care. Our skin slapped one another and his balls were hitting the back of me. My eyes stayed in my skull, feeling him take me. Throaty groans left his mouth as he took me. I began to back into him with the same intensity he was f.ucking me with.

Sweat dropped down our bodies in a mixture. I could feel myself begin to tighten as I felt him repeatedly hit my g spot.

"I'm going to fill you up, princess." He said to me.

He dug his nails into my back, using my hips to forcefully use my body. The sensation was something I couldn't get enough. As I tightened, my climax rang through my body like lightning. I moaned loudly as he continued to thrust into my sensitivity. An animalistic growl escaped his mouth as he slowed. I felt his warm spurts shoot inside of me.

He leaned down and our sweaty bodies were against one another. He kissed the back of my neck, staying still inside of me.

"Well, merry Christmas, baby girl." He said.

He pulled out of me and I stood up fully, feeling his seed inside of me. I stood in my tip toes and I kissed him.

"Merry Christmas daddy." I winked at him, walking towards the bathroom to clean myself up.

I couldn't wait to open gifts when we woke up.




Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.

Xoxo m

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