7- Remy

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Just an FYI

----- Wattpad has taken this down before and I do not want it to happen again. If it happens again I will not be reposting anymore. I am having difficulty because the chapters are so jumbled, which is why it is taking so long. However, chapters like the one following this note and those to come will be VERY MUCH pg-13. Because of this, I will be posting separate chapters in my works if you want the full version. Sorry, but this was my baby once and it was doing so well, and now I am back to square one. Thanks guys -----




in case you were wondering Remy is 31, Celine is 22, and her little space ranges from 3-9. Bailyn is 22 as well and her little space is from 2-6 (she's a brat). Mackenzie is 24 and her little space is at random times and it 7-12. <3




I kept an ear out to make sure that Celine shut the door behind her. She had only been here for going on two days and I didn't want to make her scared of me. I turn towards the kitchen, where the mess is still there and I hear feet scarring around the top floor of my home. I took a belt off from a coat rack and I walked down the hall where the basement was. I opened the door and flipped the switch and walked down the stairs where the playroom was. 

I took a key from the necklace around my neck and unlocked the door. It swings open and i inhale deeply, taking in the scent of the room. Punishment. I hear whispers outside of the second dow and then I call out a name. 

"Bailyn! You will be first. Get in her and lay across Daddy's knee! You already know why you are going to be punished but incase you have forgot: you have made the kitchen a mess and you have made my new baby girl cry. All you had to do was come find Daddy and he would have gotten someone to clean the mess up, but you ran from it." I say to her and pull up her short skirt. 

I rub her bare a.ss in a circular motion and then I call for Mackenzie to come into my room. her eyes are wide as she takes in the sight. Bailyn's head is resting on the couch that I am seated on and her a.ss is up in the air. I bring my hand back and smack her hard, firm, leaving a loud crack to echo off of the walls. 

Bailyn cried out and she clenches her cheeks together. "9 more." I say to her. "Mackenzie, don't you dare take your eyes off of this." I demand. 

"Yes, daddy." Mackenzie says. 

"Bailyn, you better be counting. I cannot hear you." I say, and give her another firm crack. 

"Two." She says. 




After I was done with both of their punishments, I made them stay in the playroom so that I could take the proper aftercare on them. I spanked them enough to feel it tomorrow but I was hoping that it wouldn't be to bad of a bruise. I smiled at the result of their spankings. Bailyn's bottom was bright red and was beginning to turn a dark purple. My hand imprint was clear. Even Mackenzie's, as she was darker toned, bottom was also red and a clear imprint of my hand was there. 

I did't like to punish, as I did not do it often, but when I did do it, I made sure they would learn their lesson. "Why did you two get punished today?" I ask aloud. 

"Because we were bad girls and we made your other baby girl cry." They said in unison. 

"Why else did daddy punish you?" I ask, rubbing cream into my hand to rub against Bailyn's red a.ss. She flinched and cried out in a whimper of pain. I ignore it and continue to rub the soothing  cream in. 

"To correct our bad girl behavior." Mackenzie says. 

"Good girls. Daddy loves you and only punishes badgirls because my baby girl's know how to behave. Sometimes, Princesses make mistakes but daddy is here to make sure they learn from them." I say, gently and kiss Bailyn's bottom. I pull her skirt down and help her stand to her feet. 

She wraps her arms around me and then she quickly makes a run towards the stairs. "Apologize to Celine!" I say after her. 

"I love you daddy!" She yells. 

"I love you too baby." I say. 

I begin to rub ointment into Mackenzie's a.ss and she flinches in pain, but I continue to rub. I finish up with her and pull her dress down so she doesn't feel exposed. 

"Would you like to go swimming princess?" I ask her, rubbing her cheeks that have dried up tears on them. 

Mackenzie pokes her lip out and I watch as tears flow down her face. "I'm sorry I made you mad Daddy." She says, rushing to hug me. 

I pull her close and rub her back. "Daddy loves you and is disappointed in you, but daddy corrected that behavior. I know my baby girl won't do that again will she?" I ask rhetorically. 

She just sniffles ad she runs out of the playroom. 




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