29- Remy

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Celine and I had packed our bags and we were in the car. Tuson was not driving since I gave him the day off, as well as the net few weeks. Today I decided that I would let Celine drive. It happened to be the worst mistake of my life. She was swerving all over the place and so many care were honking the horns. 

"Babygirl! You can't just cut people off without a signal!" I said, laughing while also trying to not have a heart attack. 

"I have never driven before! It looks so easy! Daddy, can you drive for me please?"" She asked me.




We made it to the airport safely and the rental care was back in the lot that it needed to be in. Our bags were taken from us and Celine grasped my hand and never let it go. I had my close friend buy Celine a lot of clothes for vacation. All that was in her suitcase was different bikinis. Celine and I would not be going anywhere and we would either be naked or we would be in swim gear. 

She didn't know this yet, but I could not wait to see her sexy body in all of the bikinis I had for her. 

After Celine and I went through security, we were privately escorted to an opposite gate on the plane. Together, we boarded the plane. 

"Where are we going?" She asked me, jumping in her seat. 

"Did you bring Ellie? Captain will be here soon for you." I tell her. 

She claps her hands quickly and she moves the hair from her face. "Please tell me, tell me where we are going!" She shouted, excitedly. 

"Tahiti." I tell her and her eyes bulged from her skull. 

She gets up from her seat and she runs into my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and she squeezed tightly. 

"Thank you Daddy! Thank you!"




We were instructed to take out seats from the pilots that I hired and we had started for the take off. Celine gripped her legs, making her nails dig into her knees. 

"Hey, Lina. It's okay." I tell her and hold onto her hand. 

She looked at me from the corner of her eye and she bit into her bottom lip. 

"Scared of heights?" She said, closing her eyes from me. 

"we will be in the air in a few minutes and you won't even be able to tell the difference."  I told her. 

"IK know the difference daddy and it scares me. What if we crash? Or if we die? I don't want to die daddy." She tells me, tears flowing from her eyes. 

"Hey, hey, baby girl. Daddy flies everywhere all of the time. We will be okay. How would you like it if Daddy will distract you when we are allowed to move?" 

She nodded her head and she wiped some of her tears away. Celine was so incredibly beautiful that I didn't know how lucky I was to have her. Im glad Gavin sent her to my office a few months ago. I loved her so deeply. 




 Next chapter ;) 

xoxo M

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