52- Remy

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I walked behind Chilino and we entered another room. I hadn't been in a pent house of a hotel in years and forgotten how big they were. He had his back to me and he stood in front of a fire place. I stayed standing a few feet away from him. 

Chilino paced in front of the fire place for a few minutes before he turned to me with a hand on his chin. 

"Do you know how long it has been since I have seen your father?" He asked me. 

I crossed my arms and watched him. "This has become hard. Your father is where this all began. You know that don't you? None of this has ever been personal. Its business. You break a rule and there are consequences." He said. 

"Take my father and do what you please to him." I said. 

"He wil not be going anywhere. You though? I am still thinking." He said. 

My heart beat fast in my chest. There was nobody in this world that I was afraid of, but this man I was afraid of. I had done so many things that I wasn't proud of in my life. I had confronted many people to get things done, but this man was a man that I had fear of. 

It was smart to be fearful of him because you could never predict his moves and if you tried it would cost you. That was what my father always told me. 

"What of your friend Xander? If I take your father, I need something from you." He said. 

"Xander is innocent. He has done nothing." I snapped. 

"No he hasn't but you won't give me your beautiful girls."  

"Chilino, I have guns and money. What do you want? Im not giving you any person." 

He was silent and the air was growing tense. I was already nervous and being with the man that had a hold over your life was not easy. At any moment my life could be over. I was hoping that bettering with him over my father, the first and true offender of the agreement, would persuade him. 

I didn't know whether to take his silence as a good thing. He pondered his thoughts and he locked eyes with me. 

"Your father will stay. I want all of your guns, Reminaldo. Once per year, on a day of my choosing, you will help me. That is your freedom." He said. 

My eyes went big. That was not what I was expecting. I didn't want any part of him ever again. I wanted him to have my father and let me go. How did I know that this would not have been easy? 

I took a step back and my hands were crossed over my body. Did I take this and run? One day per year be his henchman? What was the point after running all of these years? What was the point of Ricin's dying? Of Xander being held here? Of everything?

It was certainly not this. In this moment I wish that the floor would open up beneath me and just let me drown. I didn't want to answer his question. I did not even want to think of it. I did not want to subject myself or Celine to any part of this world. I tried for so long to shelter Bailyn and Kenzie, and finally when Lina comes along it all comes back up?

I sigh and I sit down in the nearest chair. "If I disagree?" I questioned. 

"All parts of the deal or none. I know you do not want to work for me. I could have said one night per month, but I will take once per year." Chilino said. 

"What will one night per year do?" 

"Freedom is something that is earned. If you would have come to me all those years ago, I would have given you an option. One night per year, lets you think that you have freedom, but I can revoke that and you still work for me. You are still a member in this gang." Chilino said. 

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