14- Remy

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Once Celine and I ate breakfast, and after we got into the car, my driver began to drove. Celine put her outfit on that I was in love with and she let her hair flow in the natural waves. I asked Lucy to put minimal makeup on here, just enough to make her look more mature, but enough for me to see her natural beauty. 

Celine currently gripped my hand so tightly that my hand was going numb. She had her legs draped over my lap and her head was leaned into my shoulder. I picked her chin up with my thumb and index finger, and I rubbed her cheek.

"No need to be nervous. The only person you'll have to associate with is me." I say and I kissed her lips. 

She gasped again in the back of her throat and she began to kiss me back. Her body reacted to my touch so well that she didn't even know it. I bit the bottom of her lip which caused her to open her mouth. I slid my tongue along her bottom lip. Our tongues touched and I felt to much within this small kiss that it was hard for me to not take her innocence. 

She put her hands on my chest and she pulled away from me, biting her bottom lip. Her hair was falling into her face and I moved a few strands from her face. I kissed her nose and then my driver opened the door for us. 

Celine gripped my hand and we both got out of the car . 




I was in and out of meetings that I had to catch up on because I missed a day of work. I was constantly seated in my desk and al day Celine stared at me wondering what was going on. To the average person, my line of work would be confusing, and to Celine, it was another world. She never once left where she was sitting. She just stared at me and on occasion I would have to leave, she would get up up follow me but I couldn't let her. 

When I was back from my final meeting, it was time for me to go to lunch and then I cold take the rest of the day off. Celine looked up from my phone that I let her play with and she stood up with a smile. 

"Daddy!" She shouts and runs to hug me. 

I wrap my arms around her and she cannot stay still. She steps back from me and she holds her stomach. "Hungryyyyyyyyyy!" She whined and sits down on the edge of my desk. 

"Good thing it's lunch time and then we get to go home." It tell her and hold my hand for her to grasp. 

"She immediately takes it and she walks with her body touching mine. "How was your day? I know you just sat there and didn't pay attention, but maybe soon I can train you. You're more tan welcome to stay at home with B and Kenzie." I say to her. 

Se shakes her head. "I like being where you are." She tells me. 

I hold the door open for her when we walk outside of the building. All around us there are people walking in the streets and someone bumps me, and I make sure that my hands are on Celine's hips. I didn't want her to get hurt. My driver, Tuson, opens the door for us and I thank him as we enter. 

Celine sits in her usual spot and we are off towards the house. Before Tuson, my drver, begins to drive, I lower the back glass. "Will you please take us to IKEA?" 

"Of course, sir." He tells me. 

I roll up the glass and Celine stares at me. "What?" I ask her. 

She shrugs and leans her head on my shoulder. "Something." I tell her. 

"Your phone..." She says and hands it to me. 

When I grasp it, I see that there are over 30 missed calls from Mackenzie. I glare at Celine and move her head from my shoulder. I press the phone to me ear and call Mackenzie back. 

"Why did you not tell me she called?!" I say to her. 

"I just wanted you all by myself for a little while." She says. 

"When one of the other girls call , you have to tell me. I am not there to protect them." I say and Kenzie answers the phone.

"Daddy," She cried into the phone.

"Yes, baby?" I say in a gentle voice. 

"Come home please. There have been cops here to question me about my daughter and my ex. I dont want to answer the door." Mackenzie says, still crying. 

"Where is Ms. Lucy at?!" I almost yell over the line. I roll back the glass and tell Tuson to turn around and head home.

"I think she is napping." 

"How do they know you're home baby?" I asked her.

"I went for my morning swim and they saw me in the yard."

"I will be home soon. I love you." I tell her and hang up. 

Celine just sits there and watched me without any expression on her face. "I have to help Mackenzie when we get home. So I need you and Bailyn to play together in her room okay?" 




6.9K OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLG I STILL GROWING! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH 

sorry updates are slow, it has been midterm week and I have had so many exams and I have to stay on top of my studies! 



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