Alternate Ending Two- Celine

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It was a cold December night and the snow was falling quicker with the wind. I shivered as I waited for the bus to pick me up. I was on my way to work and I was already running late. I slid my phone out of my pocket and I unlocked it. I had two messages, one from my mother and another from my sister. 

The bus stopped in front of me and I wrapped my arms around myself. I stepped on and paid my fare. I picked my usual seat and I leaned my head against the window. The bus slowly moved and stopped every so often. 

Today was my birthday and I had to go to work. Once the bus stopped, I made my way inside the office. I walked into the elevator and I pressed the number which indicated the floor I needed to be on. the elevator dinged and I walked out. 

I knocked on the office door in front of me and the voice behind it told me to wait. Footsteps sounded behind the door and the man that stood behind it was no longer a face I longed to see. His dark hair and stubble was the same, his tall figure hadn't changed, but the man standing in front of me was no longer the man that I once loved. He was no longer the man that made me feel safe, he was not the man where I could be my true self anymore. 

"What do you need, Celine?" He asked me. 

"I need my check." I said lowly. 

"Come in. Julia will be here soon and she doesn't want you here. So please just sign whatever papers that I need you to and be on your way. Floors two and four need attention the most. It should take you most of the day." He said. 

He sat down behind his desk. That was once the desk where he saw me for the first time. That was once the desk he made love to me. That was once the desk he would sit and when I was his assistant. Now I was just a maid for his company. He paid me minimum wage and he barely spoke to me. 

I hid my tears as he pulled out a sheet of paper. It was a packet full of my pay-stubs. He paid me weekly and I had worked him for four years now. He signed his name at the bottom of the check and he then turned it toward me and pointed to where I needed to sign. It was the same thing every week. I sign on the dotted line to prove that I picked up my check. He ripped the check out and behind us there was someone clearing their throat. 

"Daddy? When can we leave? I want to shopping for more stuffies." Julia voiced behind me. 

I gulped and put my hand over my mouth to muffle my cries that wanted to escape. She did that on purpose. 

"Julia, please just be patient. She was coming to pick up her check."

"I don't want her around you." 

"She isn't doing anything wrong. Enough. We are on the way."  He said to me. 

He locked eyes with me and he touched my shoulder as he walked passed me. "Please clean my office really well. The desk particularly needs attention." 

I nodded and he shut the office door behind me. I quickly got to work on cleaning his office. I played the music loudly to mask out my thoughts as best I could. I swept, mopped, and everything in between. 

After we moved to Phoenix to try and better ourselves, he just reverted back into the man he was. He found a new little, Julia, and moved her in with us. I couldn't handle it. I told him I would never be second again. He disagreed and he sent me away back to New York. He wanted to try and have a better life with Julia in the place that me and him were supposed to be. 

Shortly after he left me stranded, I had a hard time trying to make it. He gave me a job at his firm in the city. The crappiest job he could think of. But I didn't let him try and keep me down. I guess he thought it was time for me to grow up and become a woman. I was already a woman and he just didn't realize it. 

I got my own place and I found a new man to be my Daddy. It didn't work out and I decided it was better to stay alone. I saved up money and I did what was needed for me to be as independent as I could. 

When I got to his desk, there was a blue envelop under the calendar. I picked it up and noticed that it was a card with my name on it. I turned it over and opened it. Inside was a note. 


There are never going to be enough words for me to express how truly sorry I am. I want you to know that I regret everything that has happened over the past few years. I will never do enough to make it up to you, but I want you to know that I have been saving money for you in an account. There is a check in the envelop. Take it and make the best life you can for yourself. You will never have to worry and you can buy all that your heart desires. Please one day, forgive me. Happy Birthday, Lina. 

Love, Reminaldo 

I ripped the note and opened the envelop to look at the check. My jaw dropped and I sank to the floor in tears. He would never be able to make up the damage he inflicted on me, but I was going to be alright. I was going to be able to take care of myself and my mother, forever. 

I wiped the tears away from my eyes and I folded the check up, placing it inside of my pocket. This was a new year to try and make this life better for myself. 

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