27- Celine

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Since I never showed you who I picture Gavin to resemble! So he is above <3




I saw him, from across the rom. Sir was laughing and chatting with people. Somehow it slipped my mind that he was also a businessman. What if before daddy knew that I was Sir's pet they had worked together? Daddy and his friends went to Sir's house and took care of him. Thats what daddy told me but there he was standing like he had never been hurt. 

I turned my head to daddy and he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to him. His hand was on my exposed thigh and he was rubbing my thigh to help me calm down. Little did he know that I would not calm down when I was in the same room as this man. I could not. 

Sir turned his head and I gasped when our eyes met. He smirked and said something to someone whom he was speaking with. Daddy was busy talking to someone. I gripped his hand tightly as Sir came closer to our table. 

"Daddy!" I whispered. 

He stopped talking mis sentence and he cupped my cheek. I bit my bottom lip and I held my tears back. I didn't want to ruin my makeup here with him, I did not want this night to be about stress, I just wanted to be with Daddy and have a good time with him. I pointed towards Sir coming and I turned my head into daddy's chest. 

"Stay here." He tells me firmly and he scoots from where he is sitting and he gets up. He stopped Sir just before he was at the section of our table. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He asked Sir. 

"I just wanted to say hi to an old friend. Is that to much to ask for Remy?" Sir says. 

"Yes, Gavin. Especially when I told you specifically not to mess with what is mine." 

"Last time I checked, Celine over there was a person." 

"She's mine. You need to get the fuck out of here and go back to where you belong at this event." Daddy said and he turned back towards me. 

Daddy would not be able to see, but I saw as Gavin pulled his arm back and had it going towards Daddy's head. 

"Remy!" I shouted loudly and pointed behind him.

I know shouting at him wasn't going to make a difference because his reaction was slow. Gavin's fist went directly into the back of daddy's head. All I saw was Daddy grab his head and he turned around. I gasped and I scooted from the seat and I went towards him as quickly as my dress and heals would allowed. I did not care about Gavin standing there with a smirk. 

Daddy's feet stumbled as I held onto his arm. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

He pushed my hand off of his arm. "I'm fine love." He says to me before he quickly turned around and his fist collided with Gavin's nose. Blood spend from his nostrils and he held his nose and backed away. 

"What the fuck man?! I have an award tonight!" He said and walked away. 

Daddy laughed and he watched as Gavin left. "You know he won't ever stop trying to--" I started to say but was cute off with daddy's lips to mine." I put my hands in his hair and he winced as my fingers brushed his hair to feel a bump forming. 

I pulled away from him and I held his face in my hands. "Thank you." I said. 

He had one of my hands that was cupping his cheek and he kissed my palm. I ran my hands along his beautiful face and I walked towards the booth. Gavin wouldn't be anymore trouble at least for tonight. We could be happy in this moment. 





"And the award for the Steve Ginnie Innovation award goes to Remy Delgado!" The speaker said. 

Hands started clapping and my heart started to beat out of my chest. I took Celine's hand in mine and she looked at me. God when she looked at me I could tell she was so proud of me. Her hands were clapping so quickly and she had the cutest smile on her face, the one where her nose crinkled and a little bit of her teeth were visible. 

I put my hand to my chest and I grabbed her hand in mine and we walked to the stage. "I'm so proud of you daddy!" She screeched a little too loudly. 

"Shh, baby, Remy in public." I tell her and she laughed.

"Whoopsie. Glad for you Remy." She said and kissed my cheek. 

She waited at the bottom of the stairs for me and she watched my every move. I took the award into my hands and admired it. My whole life I had wanted this award and I finally had it in my hands. A microphone was in front of my mouth. 

"I am so deeply moved that I have been chosen for this award. None of this would have been impossibly without the help of my colleagues world wide! Each and everyone of my colleagues strive for success. RD Foundation would not be able to stride to great lengths without each and everyone of you. When we encourage one another and work together, we make success. Thank you to each and everyone of you. Thank you God, my mom and dad, and thank you to my beautiful girlfriend! Celine, I love you baby! Thank you guys." I said, walking off the stage with my award in my hands. 

When I met up with her at the bottom of the stairs she wrapped her arms tightly around my neck and she squeezed. "I love you." She whispered in my ears. 




Thoughts on Gavin? The little shit. 

Sorry its late guys. but here it it now <3 thank you for all the comments, reads, and votes <3

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