32- Celine

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I poked my lip out and I looked through the glass door as daddy went back to sleep. Usually he loved it when I would bounce on him and wake him up. I tapped my feet on the glass flooring under me and watched all the pretty fishes swim under my feet. I bent down and got on my hands and knees, putting y forehead to the glass. 

A fish that looked like Nemo swam crazily. I giggled and tapped the glass wanting to swim with the fish. I sat on my butt and I crossed my legs in the criss cross applesauce, patting my knees. Daddy wanted to be a mean daddy today so I would bug him. 

I started to sleep my legs loudly and I started to sing random notes loudly. I heard him groan from inside, then the bed screeched and then the glass door closed. Daddy stood in front of me and I smiled shyly and looked up at him. 

The sun shined in my face as I looked up to him, "Hi." I whispered. 

"Oh, you don't get to be shy now." He said to me, grinning evilly. 

I dropped my jaw and pouted. "I asked you to let me sleep and I told you to come out here because you were to be in time out. You did not listen Celine." 

I crossed my legs and turned my head away from his mean stare. "Im sorry." I say, biting my lip. 

"I should punish you, but that will not be happening on the vacation. When we get home, however, it will happen." He says to me and stands up. 

So while we were on vacation I could do what I wanted and he wouldn't spank me! I shrieked with joy and I ran after him and jumped on his back. I crossed my legs around his hips and I heard Captain bark. I hopped off of Daddy's back and he turned around and watched me when I pet Captain. 

He tried not to smile when I picked Captain up and walked over to Daddy. I pouted and I whined like Captain was doing. Daddy laughed and He picked up the dog and loved on him. I dropped my jaw and crossed my arms. 

"You are being mean to me." I whined, laying on the floor. 

"Captain wants my love baby." He winks at me. 

"I want love right now." I say, reaching for Ellie and my sippy cup filled with chocolate milk≥ 

Daddy may be upset with me right now but he still gave my my favorite drink and made sure Ellie was where I could see her. Daddy couldn't stay mad at me and I liked it. I was wearing his shirt from the day before and when we watched me, I made sure to let his shirt fall short on my thighs. Daddy loved my legs, especially when they were out and ready to be wrapped around him. 

I looked at him from the corner of my eyes and I dropped my sippy cup to the side of me and I moved my hands along me slowly. I heard him groan and then I heard his clothes move. 

"Get naked." He said to me and he ran past me, out onto the balcony, and he jumped into the air. 

I saw his butt and it was cute. I giggled before I heard a splash. I got excited and quickly removed his shirt from my body and began running toward the balcony. I screamed as U jumped and the cold water hit my skin. 

I opened my eyes under the water and could see Daddy swimming near me, swimming quickly. I laughed under the water, making bubbles circle around my face. I swam towards the surface, but he grabbed my ankle and dragged me further. 

I kicked free from his hand on my ankle and swam to the two. When I hit the air I took a gasp of air in and started to tread the water. Daddy leaned against the ladder of our bungalow. He smirked at me and fingered me towards him. I swam towards him and I used his leg for me to sit on. 

He looked at my baby boobies and he bit his lip. I put my hands around me nippies and I watched him. He pulled me to him and he kissed me. 

I pulled away and splashed water into his face. "We should be swimming." I winked and I closed my eyes and let my mind take over. 




Sorry for the month long wait! My boyfriend came to see me again and I have been having school exams and midterms! Life happens before updates! Sorry guys <3 please continue to vote and comment! 

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