43- Celine

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The first thought that crossed my mind was that I made a mistake. As soon as I got in Tuson's car, I made a mistake. I was going to The Barry by myself to an international drug lord's hotel room. This man was responsible for murdering innocent lives, smuggling drugs and illegal fire arms. My heart was pounding so quickly in my chest. 

I could recall daddy's voice. He wanted me to stay safe and stay at the safe house. I had to do what I could to keep him safe. He wanted to kill him by himself. I didn't want Remy to have more blood on his hands. I did not want him to go there and get killed. 

I was doing this for selfish reasons, but they were logical in my mind. I was a loyal woman who was going to do whatever the fuck she had too to keep her man safe. As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I knew that it didn't sound like myself. 

I sped through the streets and I came across a sex shop. I put on the hazard lights and I quickly ran into the store. Many threats and horns blared at me but I did not care. I was on a mission and I needed to feel up to it or I know I couldn't do it. 

It was much like being a little. If I was in my little space, I needed to be dressed like the cutest baby girl. If I was going to be a bad ass, than I needed to look like an intelligent woman who knew how to bargain a worth of a life over another. 

As I entered, the woman at the desk stopped me. I realized that I was in clothes that made me look younger. 

"ID?" She asked me. 

I sighed and I reached into my bra and got out my ID and showed it to her. She checked my birthday to verify that I was over 18. 

"What are you looking for miss? More age play shit?" She asked me. 

Anger filled my body and I ignored her. She would never understand that what daddy and I has was real and it was genuine. "No. I need a piece of lingerie, a trench coat, and heels." I said to her. 

"What size do you wear? Do you need to try it on?" 

"Medium and no. Please hurry. I need size 7 heels." I snapped and walked to the front of the store where the counter was. I slapped daddy's card on the counter and I waited for the woman to come. 

I quickly paid and ran back to the car that was where I left it. I quickly changed in the car and sped off to The Barry. 

I knew that Chilino was staying here, but what room was he in? What was his last name? There were things that I did not know. 

I stood outside of the entrance and I paced back and forth. Regret filled my body. I was not a bad ass. I was a little girl and I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I put my hands in my hair and I huffed in frustration. 

"I know my eyes are not seeing Celine Sanches in front of me." A booming familiar voice said. 

I gulped and I bit my lip because that was daddy. I turned around and I saw him, walking towards me with Ric and Xander flanking him. Ric was limping and had a black eye. When my eyes met daddy's I could have fallen to the ground. 

He had marks all over his body that made him look like he was tied up somewhere. He had bruised all over his body and he was bleeding. I ran as best as I could with heels towards him. I put my hands on both sides of his head and I cried freely. My eyes went on every inch of his exposed skin. 

"Daddy." I croaked out.

"Baby." He said and he picked me up. 

He grunted and lifted me, and wrapped his arm around me. His lips met mine in a fury. They moved together and I forgot for a moment why we were here. I forgot that we were running. I forgot that we weren't safe and that we could die at any moment. I missed him more than I could fathom. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

"I will be. Now what the fuck are you doing here, Lina?" He asked. 

"I-I want to help. Please." 

"No! Celine. Go back now." He said and he shoved me against the brick wall. 

I winced in pain and I looked at him. "Why are you always where you shouldn't? Am I not in charge? You were supposed to stay and be safe." he said and pushed his forehead against mine. 

"God I fucking love you woman. You're infuriating. Fine. too late. lets go. You will not talk." He said to me. 

I nodded and watched as they walked into the foyer of the hall. 

"Why are you wearing heels and a coat, Celine?" Ric asked me. 





Celine is totally changing and I'm loving it! Please comment <3 

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