66- Remy

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Celine followed after me and I could hear her behind me. Her steps were quieter than mine but I knew she was behind me.

"What do you think Isaiah would be doing right now?" She whispered behind me.

I stopped in my tracks and I turned. Celine has her arms around her and she stopped. She had tears running down her face and she looked at me.

I walked towards her and I wrapped my arms around her. She leaned her head against my chest after a few minutes and she sighed.

"I bet he would be giggling at us always arguing. He'd be a fat chubby baby. He'd have your eyes and your cheeks. He would be perfect." I said to her.

I thought about him more than I let on. That was why I could never let Celine go. She was the mother of my child and she was the love of my life. She knew me more than anybody else and she had a part of me forever. I couldn't let that go.

"He'd have your laugh and your smile." She said as she sniffled.

We continued to walk and she walked with her hand in mine. I knew it wasn't romantic and she was holding onto me for comfort because any time she was with me she was in distress. I brought her constant anxiety and danger. It was so twisted. How I could be the one thing that hurt her but here she was finding comfort in me.

We walked in silence. It seemed like hours before the sun finally went down. Sooner rather than later we found a road. There was a few street lights and there was a gas station. We looked at each other and we sprinted toward the store. We walked on and there was a young man and woman behind the counter. They were laughing about something.

They took one look at our appearance and their faces dropped. I'm sure we looked homeless and tired. I have them the best smile I could muster.

"How can we help you?" The girl asked.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Fremont, California. Are you from around here?" She asked.

Celine remained quiet and timid behind me. Her body was shaking as she gripped my t shirt. Again she was trying to get as much comfort as I could offer her.

"No, from New York City. Can I use a phone? I lost my car keys and my phone." I said to her.

The girl and the guy looked at each other before they shook their heads. The guy waved me over and I followed after him, Celine on my heels.

"Do you know Lucy or Tuson's number?" I asked Celine.

She nodded and reached for the phone. She pressed numbers into the phone and then she handed it back to me. It rang a few times before someone answered.

"Hello?" Lucy's voice said.

"Lucy? This is Remy. Can you please wire me some money? I have nothing on me. Me and Lina need to get home."

"Where are you?" She asked me.

"Fremont, California." I said.

"What about Celine's sister? Didn't she go back there?"

"we're hours away. Please send me some. I can give you my account information to get the cash I need out."

"Yes, let me get a pen." She said.

Thirty minutes later, I was given the cash by the worker at the gas station. I got is a taxi and we were on the way to the air port.

I purchased two tickets to New York City and we were five hours away to being in a comfortable home. We could figure out what the hell we were going to do later.




Sorry it's so late. I've been going through a lot and have been stressed! But here's a small-update. I'll be updating again tonight or tomorrow.

Xoxo M

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