30- Remy**

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Celine gripped the chair so tightly that I was afraid that she would break off the arm rest. She was so tense as the nose of the plane began to take off. If we were allowed right now, I would take her to the cabin and I would make sure that her mind was elsewhere. 

Once we leveled off in the air, the pilot spoke over the intercom signaling that it was okay for us to roam about the cabin if we wished. I unbuckled my seatbelt and I looked over to Celine watching her breath in heavily. I hovered over her to grab her hands that were plastered to the seat. 

"Baby, let go and lets go to the cabin." I tell her, talking in her ear sweetly. 

She opened her eyes and the tears fell from her eyes. I reached down while looking at her in the eyes, and I unbuckled her seatbelt. I pulled on her arms and began to back up motioning her to stand up after me. She stood to her feet and with shaky knees, she wrapped her arms around me. 

I held her hand in mine and I walked forward with her behind me, towards the cabin. 

When we entered the cabin, I closed the door behind us and I stepped behind her to move her hair from the nape of her neck. She turned her head to the side and I placed light kisses on the back of her neck. Celine kicked her shoes off and she turned around and she grasped my tie. 

She looked up with tear stained cheeks and she puffed her cheeks out. "I don't like this, daddy." She said, wiping her tears from her cheeks. 

I put my hands on her hips and I walked forward, causing her to walk backwards, toward the bed. her dressed dropped to the door and I bend down as she lifted her legs one by one for me to get her dress from around her ankles. Draping her dress over a chair, Celine pushed my jacket off of my shoulders as she sat on the edge of the bed. 

She sat class in her white lace panty set. The natural tan of her skin made the white glow. I bit my bottom lip as she leaned back on her elbows.  She pulled her knees up to her chest and she opened up her legs. She took one hand and she put her fingers to her core and she began to rub, through her panties. 

Her fingers moved in a circular motion over her clit and her chest began to rise and fall quickly. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her bottom lip was clenched with her beautiful teeth. I moaned at the back of my throat and I unbuttoned my pants and let them slide down my legs. Once I stepped out of them, my shirt was on the chair and I stood in front of Celine, my co.ck in hand as I rubbed myself through my briefs. 

Celine opened her eyes and she looked at me and let out a breath that was just loud enough for me to catch. I piton knee in between her legs and I hovered over her. She opened her knees wide to surround my torso. My hands were on either side of my head and my lips locked onto her jaw. I lapped my tongue all over her skin and sucked. 

She was mine and the fucking piece of shit that had her before me didn't deserve her. I suckled on her skin with more force to be sure to leave a heaping bruise on her. A hand traveled down her beautiful body and replaced her exploring fingers. 

I slid her panties to the side and I entered two of my fingers into her wetness. Her back arched into my chest and her legs tightened around me. I moved my lips down her neck and across her collarbones. I thrust my fingers at a quick pace inside of her, feeling her warmth spill onto my fingers. Her moans filled my ear and her toes curled around my calf muscles. 

I pulled my fingers out of her core and I put my fingers into my mouth as I watched her. She moaned as I licked her wetness from my fingers. I hovered over her again, planning kisses down the middle of her body, down to the center of her legs. 

Her knees surrounded my head and she used her ankles to pull my mouth to her. I smirked against her head as I dipped my tongue into her gaping hole. A loud throaty moan escaped her mouth as she gripped my hair with her fingers. I lapped my tongue quickly in and out of her as I slid my thumb across her clit. 

Celine's hips started to move against my tongue, increasing her pleasure. I looked up at her from in between her legs, continuing moving my tongue quickly against her. Her eyes met mine as she clenched her breasts and began to tug on her nipples. The see-through material left little to imagination as I could see her swollen nipple standing erect, begging to be sucked. 

I pulled my briefs off of my body with one hand as I came up to Celine. Our lips met and out tongues collided in full lust. I moved my hands down to her breasts and I pulled at them, hard with my index finger and thumb. She moaned into my mouth and she moved her hips up to meet with mine. I grabbed my cock in my hand and lined up with her entrance. She greedily kissed my jaw, making sure to mark here as well. I closed my eyes, leaning my head down into her neck as I entered her slowly. 

Her back arched and our bodies became closer than before. Her hands roamed my back as my hands gripped her sides. I kissed down her chest and pulled a nipple into my mouth, sucking. 

I thrust into her at a steady pace as her nails take into my skin. She dug her heels into the mattress and lifted her hips to meet my thrust. A groan left my throat as her body collided with mine. The snack of our hips moving together was enough to make my eyes roll back into my skull. 

She brought hand from her nipple and pulled my mouth into a kiss. She breathed heavily as she gave me open mouthed kisses. Our eyes met and I bit into her bottom lip, pulling back and kissing under her jaw.

The room was filled with her beautiful moans, our sweaty bodies. I began to slow as I looked into her eyes, Her core tightened around me as she stilled and her toes curled into me, I slowed completely, spilling into her. 

"I love you." I told her, and looked into her eyes. 

I looked down at her and her hair was sprawled across the pillow, her chest rising and falling quickly, and a euphoric smile on her lips. Her hands held my face and she played with my hair and ears. 

I love you," She said. 




"Daddy! Come in the water please!" She screamed. 

We landed and went out to the bungalow. We would be here in Tahiti for three weeks. Three weeks away from life so I could just be with my baby. 

She dove into the water and popped back up from the water, I watched her, leaned in the towel on the beach as I watched her push her hair back. 

Her black bathing suit clung to her body, showing off of her sexy figure. I stood to my feet, began to run and I picked her up over my shoulder and dove into the water. A scream with laughter left her lips, was the last thing I heard before we landed into the water. 




Thoughts?! I am sorry that it was soon late! But exams and college have me pulling my hair out! Thank you guys for all of the comments and votes <3 pleas continue! We are almost to 60k! You guys are AMAZING! 

Much love, xoxo M

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