15- Remy

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When I got back to my house, I grabbed Celine's hand and I walked us into the house. I told her again that she needed to just go upstairs and occupy herself with Bailyn. I felt bad for her because I was supposed to take her to IKEA and let her pick out her bedroom suite, but Mackenzie needed me more right now. 

I walked to my room and I found Kenzie sitting on the edge of my bed in tears. I walk towards her and kneel on the ground in front of her. I take her head in my hands and I rub her cheeks. 

"What is going on?" I ask her. 

"I have to leave tomorrow, Remy." She says, bursting into tears.

I put my forehead to hers. I loved Mackenzie so much and I didn't want her to leave. 

"is there anything I can do to help you stay?" I ask her. 

I had to be strong for her and I. I could not be selfish and beg her to stay when she had duties to the court system. I was not powerful enough to make her stay. 

"Can you you just make love to me? Can you just show me how much you love me? Give me something to hold on too before I go away for awhile." She says.

I nod and look into her eyes. "When will you be back to me?" I ask her. 

"I will be gone for a few months in Delaware." She says to me with more tear streaming down her face. 

I kiss her tears away and I look into here eyes and I make continuous love to her for the rest of the night. 




Celine's POV 

When daddy brought me home, I went to find Bailyn because I just wanted to have my own princess room and be able to play! Bailyn was sitting on the floor in her room on her laptop and she was watching netflix. I was waiting for the day that daddy would let me watch netflix.

"What are you doing here?" She asks me.

"I have to come in here with you." I tell her. 

"did Daddy say you have too?" She asks and then looks back at her screen. 

I shake my head. "Do you want to watch Cinderella with me?" She asks and pats her bed next to her. 

I stay quiet and I just walk next to her. She stands up from her bed and she goes to her dresser. She hands me a hello kitty onesie. I shriek and I run up to it. 

"You can wear it this once! But daddy better of and buy you clothes because I don't like to share." She hisses and throws a onesie at me. 

I bite my bottom lip and I blink the tears from my eyes. I run out of her room and I walk to mine. I slam my door behind me and I strip my clothes off. I slid her onesie on and I just sat on my bed. My belly started to talk to me so I walked out of my room and down to the kitchen. 

"Well hi miss Celine!" Ms. Lucy says. 

I wave to her and I sit down in the chair. "Are you hungry?" She asks me. 

I nod and bite my thumb. "what would you like to eat?" 

"Cookies and milk, p-please?" I whisper. 

She smiles at me and then she puts a sip cup in front of me filled with milk. Then she out a plate of oreos in front of me. 





Mackenzie had fallen asleep in my bed and I was starving. I walked down the stairs and I saw Lucy and Celine sitting at the counter talking. Celine was talking about something exciting and Lucy watched her with a smile. 

"How are two of my favorite girls doing?" I ask them. 

"We're very well." Lucy says. 

I look at Celine in a hello kitty onesie and forgot to get her clothes out of the car. "Celine?" I asked her. 

She stands up and she walks away from me. I flare my nostrils and I follow after her and I grip her arm, pulling her to a stop. "Do not ignore me when I speak to you." 

"You ignore me and her daddy!" Bailyn says when she poked her head out of the stair well. 

"It seems like we need to have a talk don't we?" I ask them. 

Bailyn nods and walks down the stairs. Her beautiful face was quizzical as she looked at me. "How about Daddy and his princesses watch a movie and snuggle?!" I say enthusiastically. 

They both grow with excitement and they run into the living room. I laugh as I watch them bonding, it made my heart swell. "Lucy, would you pop some popcorn please?" I ask her. 

She nods with a smile. 




Celine fell asleep in the beginning moments of the movie, but Bailyn was very intrigued. Celine was leaned against my left arm and Bailyn was on my right. 

"Are you enjoying the movie princess?" I asked her. 

She nods and she bit her lip as she stared at me. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and gripped the edge of her nightie. My hand was grasped and then put against her warm private parts. 

I smirk at her and I raise my eyebrow again. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked her. 

She leans into my hand and she moved my fingers against her cl.i.t. Her lips nibble on my earlobe. I move my fingers against her cl.i.t. and she gasps. "Well isn't my baby girl wet right now?" 

"Yes, daddy." She breathed into my ear. 




The next three weeks for unbearably painful to me. I pushed Celine and Bailyn away from me because Kenzie had left. She had been with me for years and now she was gone. I tried my best to show affection and attention to them, but I couldn't bring myself to. I had to mourn for Kenzie. I had lost her because of a custody battle. 

Everyday, Celine would go to work with me and I could tell she missed me but I could't do it. Bailyn was beginning to shut down because she thrived on my love for her. Kenzie, just as Celine and Bailyn are, is a part of my heart. It was hard without her here and she hadn't called once. 

Last night, I had taken Bailyn out for a dinner to apologize to her. Then the night we got back I made love to her for so long. Bailyn was fixed but I was still torn apart on the inside. Celine was currently seated across from me and she had her head leaned on her arm. 

To distract my pain, I had taken Celine on many shopping sprees. Her room was all put together and she was all cozy. Celine and I were out at Central park. 

"I'm sorry I haven't been paying attention to you, kitten." I tell her. 

"When will you touch my princess parts? You touch Bailyn and when I hear you two I get all fizzy and I get all slippery." She says. 

"Daddy has a hole in his heart and its being patched up baby. Daddy is back to normal now okay? How about tomorrow after work, daddy will show some love to your princess parts?" I tease her. 

She giggles and she throws herself into my arms. I smile brightly at her and I push her hair from her face. Our lips touch and my heart swelled. Celine meant so much to me and I couldn't lose her too. 




FINALLY, AN UPDATE RIGHT?! Guys! almost to 13k! THIS IS CRAZY WICKED! also, I really love love votes, but will you please comment? Comments are so encouraging and help give motivation to update quickly. Please! Would be wonderful! 

Thanks :) 


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