50- Celine

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It felt like old times. When I first got to Daddy's house. There was another baby girl who was getting his attention and I was pushed to the side. He and Bailyn hadn't had an intimate moment in months and she was soaking up all go his attention. I wanted to do this for him to take his mind off what was happening. 

I wanted him to just be happy. If Kenzie was here I would rather her be here than Bailyn. Bailyn was a bitch and she had my blood boiling. I wasn't even paying attention to the movie. I just sat on the edge of the bed with my back to them. I knew what he was doing with her. He was most likely cuddling her, maybe giving her kisses, possibly other things. 

He was mine.. not hers and here she was just taking him. "Celine." He said to me. 

I ignored him and stood to my feet. "Im going to spend time with my sister." I said, my voice on the verge of giving away that I was going to cry. 

"Come here, please?" He asked me. 

I looked at him and Bailyn was asleep on his chest. I used the back of my hand and I wiped away my tears. I walked towards him, standing in front of him. He brought his arm away from her and he leaned towards me. I sat on the bed near him and he pushed my hair from his face. 

"I chose you. I want you. Having her here is nostalgic and it brings back good memories but I chose you. You have my heart baby. I am in love with you. We have been through so much together that nothing else could compare." He said. 

"Then why are you cuddled up to her? Im your baby girl. Not her!" I said, getting riled up. 

"You've had to be strong for me lately. You've been so selfless. You can let go of that and let Daddy take care of you. This will help me and get things back in order. We are going to go to a place and were going to live there. We will leave New York City alone." He said to me. 

"Why do you want to be on the run--" He cut me off.

"Let me worry about this baby. Daddy has been working things out. Ive been emailing my father. I have another office in the West. I can run the New York office there." He said. 

"But Chilino? Xander?" 

"There is a person that he wants more than me." He said to me. "I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. We will be fine and Xander will come back to us." 




Remy's POV

When I got downstairs, Lucy gave me a warm smile which I returned. Tyson was sitting next to her with an arm around her. He nodded his head towards me. I gave hum a curt nod in the other direction. He got me message and he whispered in Lucy's ear, which made them get up and walk toward the stairs. 

"Cassandra, please go upstairs with the girls. Id like to be alone with my father." I said to her. 

It was amazing how beautiful she was, how much she reminded me of Celine. She gave me a skeptical look but she complied. She passed me and walked up the stairs. My father crossed his legs in his chair and I leaned against the door. 

"Did you want to kill me?" He asked me, chuckling. 

"That would be to easy. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier." I said. 

My father remained quiet and then I looked at him again. He was showing such signs of age and you could look at him and tell that he had been through so much in his life. 

"You are the key in this, father. You are the person who has made me lose my mother and my only blood brother. Chilino and Nelson want me because you left. There was so much weight on my shoulders to live up to your legacy in the gang. When I couldn't handle it the Delgado name was gone. You know what? Its you that they want. They hurt Ric, your pride and joy to get you. They hurt me and they wanted to breed my girl like a fucking dog. They want you because all you have done." I said. 

My father stayed silent. "Ive been running for 28 years, Remy. I have life left in my bones." He said. 

"And I don't? Why would you see your own children die? Than to have yourself die and end all of this? How many more people have to die just so you can live?" I asked him, yelling. 

My body was fuming. He let me mother die, my brother, he was willing to let me die, Xander. Xander was like another child to him and he was just going to let us all die.  

My father had a smirk on his mouth and he stood to his feet. He walked towards me. "You know I had a son. He died, but if he was here and I was in this situation I would die for my son." I said, bringing my fist back and it collided with the bridge of his nose. 

He cursed and blood spilled on the carpet. He held his nose and I brought my fist back and hit him again with two quick blows to the side of his head. 

"Reminaldo!" He yelled, spitting blood on the carpet. 

"We're going to go to that hotel, you are going to die, and I will be bringing Xander back." I said, turning my back to him to go up the stairs. 




BBBRRROOOOOOOOO! Let me know what you think <3 

xoxo M

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