31- Remy

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Celine giggled as she hoped on my back in the water. Her legs wrapped around my body and I stood to my full height. I hiked her up further on my back and carried her to the shore. I didn't plan to get wet because I hated the ocean water, but I could face a little to hear her beautiful laugh. 

She leaned her head into my neck and kissed behind my ear. "I don't want to get sand on my feet or in between my toes." She said to me. 

"Oh so thats why you climbed on my back?! You're using me!" I said playfully, pretending to drop her. 

She squealed and held onto me tighter. "No! There is hot lava down there! You have to save the princess and not let her burn." She screamed. 

I laughed and set her down on the towel. She slid off of my body slowly and I turned around and wrapped my arms around her, bringing her to my chest. She crinkled her nose and she kissed the corner of my mouth. 

"Daddy, we have this beach to ourselves right?" She asked me. 

I nodded. 

"So does this mean that we can have lots of beach sex? Water sex? And i can tan naked?" She said playfully. 

She knew just how to get under my skin. Not even 8 hours ago we were fucking on the plane. She was insatiable since we started to have sex. 

I grinned at her and tapped her nose. "yes, little one. We have it all to ourselves for the next 3 weeks." 

She nodded and she crossed her ankles to sink to her butt. I laughed at her and I kneeled down on the towel beside her. She lay on her back and she kept one knee up, closing her eyes to the sun. I lay beside her and I turned my head to see her looking at me. 

"Why are you so sexy?" She asked me. 

"Have you just noticed?" I tease. 

She shakes her head. "Silly daddy. The first time I seen you I know you were sexy!" She defends. 

I turn my head and close my eyes and face the sun. "You were so scared the first time you met me baby. Im glad you're not scared of me now." 

"I can't be scared anymore cause I love you." She says, grabbing my hand. 

I brought her knuckles to my lips and kissed each one individually. 




Lina and I laid down in our bed as we wrapped each other in an embrace. 

"Ive thought about bringing you to meet my brother officially. As well as my good friend." i tell her, playing with a strand of her beautiful hair. 

She turned her chin and looked up at me, running a finger along my stubbly chin. "Those men who helped save me from Sir?" She asked. 

I nodded. She leaned up and kissed my chin. She leaned on her elbow and looked down at me. "I wouldn't mind saying thank you to them." 

"Hey now, I rescued the beautiful princess too! They just helped. They were like Donkey, I'm Shrek." I said, poking my tongue out at her. 

"Silly daddy! Shrek is green and you're tan. And he's fatty and you're not. How are you shrek." She giggled. 

I reached beside her, grabbing her sippy cup and Ellie. I handed them to her and she snatched them greedily. She started drinking her apple juice and snuggled Ellie firmly. 

A bark sounded beside me, Captain, waiting to jump into the bed. I rolled my eyes before reaching down to grab the dog. 

"Why do I have a feeling that I will be taking care of your dog?" I asked her. 

"Because you're daddy." She giggled, putting her sippy cup on the nigh stand. 

"Sleep." She said, patting Captain's head and turning over to snuggle into me. I smiled before puling her body to mine, closing my eyes, waiting for sleep to hit me. 




I woke up the next day with Celine bouncing on my lap, her hands slapping my face. "Daddy! Wake up! The sunrise is soooo pretty! Wake up DADDY!" She yelled. 

I grumbled and pushed her off of me. I heard her sigh, and I turned over and put the blanket over my head. She pulled herself over me and bounced again. "DADDY! THERE ARE FISH! FISH ARE UNDER US! WAKE UP AND SEE THE SUNRISE!" She said, colliding her hand with my chest. 

I hissed at the smack sounded through the room. I sat up straight and pushed her off of me. "Celine. I'm SLEEPING! Quit being a fucking rude brat!" I hissed at her and got up from the bed. I walked over to the balcony and opened the door. I pointed in the direction of the patio set. 

"Sit outside and watch the damn sunrise. You are to be in timeout until daddy says." I glare at her, sleep deprived. 

I had been so stressed out with work, hence why we are on a three week vacation. I was stresses out with the men that were searching for me and everything going on with Kenzie and Bailyn. 

They may not be in my life right now but I had to pay for Bailyn to stay in River Creek. I did not want her near me. And as for Kenzie, I had to pay for lawyers to help her fight custody battles. I had so much weight on my that I am afraid I will combust and take it out on Celine. That was the last thing I needed. 

I needed Lina to calm me and take me to a serine place. When I thought of a comfortable place for us to go, I couldn't think of any other place other than Tahiti. Celine was my comfort and I wanted nothing more than to watch the sunrise with her, but I was too tired. 

I laid back down in the bed and I put an arm over my head, falling back asleep. 




hey! Hope you're liking this <3 Over 61k views! YASSSSSSSSSSS up to this point, this is where when this was originally up, it had the same amount of views <3 i am so glad that PLG is getting the recognition it deserves <3 

Comment what you would like to see more. Just because i have pre-written chapters doesnt mean I have to stay along the lines! Tell me what you'd like to see! 

ACTION IS COMING! TWISTS ARE COMING! Some are quite triggering so i will always put warnings at the top before you read <3 

let me know <3 


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