4- Remy

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After I closed the door behind me I walked down the hall to the next room where my other baby girl, Bailyn was. I opened up her door and I saw her stirring in the floor with her legs out in front of her. She looked up to me and gasped. 

"Daddy!" She screams and rushes to hug me. 

I wrap my arms around her body and I kiss the top of her head. "How are you sweet pea?" 

I walk toward her bed and I sit on the edge and pat my lap and she jumps on me. Her legs wrap around my waist and her head is in the crook of my neck. 

"Um I'm good! I just was coloring a picture for you." She says and moves her head to look at me. She scrunched up her nose and it makes her teeth show. 

"You're so cute. Daddy missed you today! Did you have a good day?" 

She shrugs and her eyes close momentarily. "My mother trued to contact me again." She says, coming out of her little space. 

I frown and make her look at me. "Im sorry she keeps trying to hurt you."

"She- She is so.. Impulsive! I want to live my life with you and she doesn't think you're good for me." She says and whimpers, putting her hands in my hair. 

"Daddy is always here." I tell her. 

She just nods her head. I reach around her to feel for her paci. I grasp it and put it to her lips. She opens her mouth and immediately starts to suck it. 

"How about you get some sleep? Daddy has important things to discuss with you all tomorrow." I say, rubbing her cheek. 

She nods and crawls off of my lap to lay in a ball on her bed. I pull her blanket over her body and walk out of her room. "I love you sweet pea." 

"Love you daddy." 

I shut her door behind me and go into the next room but I can't see Mackenzie anywhere. I frown and walk towards my bedroom where she was most likely to be. 

I open my door and take off my suit jacket and put it over a chair. I unbutton my pants and step out of them and make my way to the bed where I see Mackenzie laying, fast asleep.

I smile and crawl into bed, pulling her body against mine. She makes a noise in the back of her throat and snuggles against me. 

The next morning, I wake up to find Mackenzie no where around me and I stretch. Today I was late for work but i didn't really care. I think today would be a day for me and my baby girls. 

I got up from my bed and walk down the hallway, knocking on Bailyn's door. I stopped outside of Celine's door and walk in. I see her sitting straight up. I shut the door behind me and walk to kneel in front of her bed. 

I touched her arm and her head pops up. Her eyes are puffy and her nose is so red. My heart breaks as I look at her. 

"Come here." I say, standing and opening my arms for her. 

She quickly does what she is told and rushes into my grasp. "Why're you crying?" I ask her. 

She sniffles and shakes her head. "Tell me, Celine." I say, more stern. 

"You don't want just m-me." She whimpers. 

"I do want you." 

"Daddy should only ever have one baby girl!" She raises her voice at me. 

I narrow my eyebrows at her. "I have not gone over the rules with you, but raising your voice at me is not prohibited! Come down stairs and you will meet the other and we will go over the rules." I tell her and walk out of her room. 

Celine was beautiful but I already know I would have my hands full and twitchy palms to correct her behavior. 

Above is who I picture Bailyn to be!

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