26- Remy

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There rest of my week flew by, but I could hardly spend time with my baby. I had to prepare for the AMAC's. Th AMAC's were a reward conference for the most successful businessmen and women in the country. They were every year and were a big deal. They were broadcasted live on television. I had to prepare for what I would wear, how my hair would look, how Celine would look, what she would wear. 

This was a big deal and I had done many interviews and I was so tired. At night when Celine would sleep with me she would clutch onto me like a koala bear. She would not let me of when it was time for me to wake up in the morning. It was the cutest thing. I did not want her to go back to work with me anymore because I did not want to have constantly be worrying about her and thinking about her. I did this naturally as it was. With Chilino and Nelson searching for me, I worried for Celine and Lucy's well being. I did not want anything to happen to either of them. 

I would carry on wit my life until I could absolutely not. I would continue to go against my rival in my business, Roman Nikols. I would continue to support my brother and my good friend, and I would love Celine. 

As I walked into my house, Cline was sitting in the living room looking absolutely adorable in her Minnie Mouse onesie. She has a sip cup to her lips and her arm was under her head, her hair was sprawled across the couch cushion. She looked up at me with sleep eyes and smiled. She lazily removed the sappy cup from her mouth. 

"Hi, Daddy," She said and her voice cracked. 

I gasped and I kneeled in front of her and I put my hand to her forehead. Hear radiated from her forehead and I kissed her nose. "You're sick baby." I said and I stood up to my feet and I kicked my shoes off. 

She couched and looked at me, "I feel icky," She said and jutted her bottom lip out. 

I motioned her to sit up and she groaned but complied. I laid on the couch and motioned for her to lay in front of me. She laid down and curled up into my chest. I ran my hands through her hair and I kissed her forehead. 

"Feel better Princess. Take a nap, Daddy is here," I said to her and closed my eyes. 




A few nights later, Celine and I were in my car with Tuson driving. Celine's fingers tightly gripped my hand as the car came to a stop. Tonight were the AMAC;s. Celine looked beautiful and I know she was going to be nervous with having her pictures taken by people and I knew that she might crack under the pressure. I had to remind her that she was my beautiful princess and that I would never let anybody come close to her. 

She was not the same timid girl that came into my office. My baby was very strong now. She was incredibly sexy and I knew she could do this. I encouraged her the whole ride and told her how strong she was and that I knew she could do it. 

I looked at her and Tuson opened the door immediately. Flashes from cameras clicked and I stepped out and offered my hand for her. Celine gripped my hand tightly and she stepped out. Her legs were shaking as she looked around. Her lip was so white form how hard she was biting down. 

I leaned down and whispers in her ear. "It's okay baby, just smile and think about how daddy was f.u.cking you." I said and bit her ear. 

She leaned into my body and her legs became stud. We walked along as she clutched onto my arm. She looked up at me with a grin and I knew what she was thinking of. We stopped against a backboard for the AMAC's and I looked down at her with a smile on my face as she looked up at me. Camera's flashed at us. 


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Once we were done getting out pictures taken. I gripped her hand and we made out way on the side. A hand slapped on my back and there was a flash in my face. I flared my nostrils and Celine scooted behind me. I pushed passed the camera man and I found our names on the table. We sat down and I looked at Celine. 

"Having fun baby girl?" I asked her. 

She shook her head no and she held her hand in her lap. " You'll be okay baby." 

She shook her head again as she stared in front of her. I looked across the room and found Gavin standing there chatting with other people. My body froze as I looked at her. Tears were brimmed in her eyes but she couldn't look away from him. 

I just hoped for her sake he did not see her. I pulled her face to look at me. Her eyes met mine and a lone tear fell down her face. "He won't hurt you baby. Im here." 

She sniffled and she nodded her head. I would make sure that Celine had a good time tonight and that shitbag wouldn't take this night from her. 




Rem is soooooooo caring and I love it!!!!!

xoxo M 

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