45- Third Person

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After the shot was fired, there was a massive echo around the room. Chilino stood at the head of the room with a smirk on his face. Chilino had caused such trouble and he was proud. He did not want anybody to think that he was soft. He had to show them that he meant business. 

The rest of this night was not to be wasted. There was to be some sort of justice. Since Remy left him and broke such a long standing alliance, Chilino and Nelson had no choice but to kill. They had to make it known that you could not leave without consequences. 

Terror was on everyone's face around the room. 

"Can you get an ambulance?! He is bleeding too fast!" Celine yelled, putting her hand on the wound to try and stop the bleeding. 

It seemed no matter how hard she pushed the blood was just seeping through her fingers. She looked into his eyes and she couldn't help the tears that were escaping. 

"Don't you die, you'll be alright. Stay with us." She said over and over again. 

She did not notice that his eyes were still and his body was bleeding slower now. His breath had stopped and she kept her hand there like it was going to help. 

"Clean that mess up and have her come sit near me. Maybe now you will believe me when I say you will not fuck with me anymore." Chilino said. 

Nelson led three men towards the body on the ground. They stepped over him and into his blood as if he were an animal. All eyes were on the body. He was no more. Celine remembered what her precious son's body looked like. There was no comparison, this was worse, but she couldn't believe that he was not here anymore. 

She had just spoke to him. Chilino killed him. Celine let out of scream of anger as Nelson was lifting up his body like it was nothing. One of the men had to grab her. He had blood on his hands. She smelled the blood and her stomach lurched. 

Bile rose in her throat as she let it out on the man's shirt. "He was innocent." She cried. 

Celine looked around the room and she did not see Remy anywhere. Her heart started beating faster and she saw darkness, and her body was limp in the man's arms. 

A few hours later, Remy was taken to private room where Chilino and him were together. Remy was distraught and he could only stare at the wall. He felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest. 

His title brother, his other half, his life had ended. Violently and viciously by his greatest enemy. Ric would no longer get the chance to ask questions about his mothers death, he would no longer get to repair his relationships with people, and he would never learn more about Celine. 

Ric was gone and Remy could not believe it. Chilino had a sick smirk on his face. "I wish I didn't have to do that. You needed to know that I was serious. You cannot leave without repayment. I gave you everything you have now and you left." 

Remy stayed silent. "Reminaldo, will you answer me?" 

"What are you going to do with him?" Remy asked. 

"He will of course be shipped to your fathers estate." 

"What now Chilino? What more do you want from me? Fucking kill me already."

"That would be too easy." Chilino said. 

"But taking Celine? That would give me great satisfaction." 

Remy's head popped up and he glared at Chilino. "You could have any woman, why do you want her?" 

"She is really beautiful. I will tell you what I want. If you agree you will be free. Yours as well as Xander and your poor brother's debts will be free."

"I want Bailyn, Cassandra, and Celine. I want them to bear my children. Nine months they will stay with me and then they also will be free. What do you say?" Chilino asked. 




Kind of rushed.... I'm sorry, but i have so many many exams! the semester is almost done and I'm trying to not get behind on updates. 

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