6- Celine

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Daddy left me down here with his other baby girls. I wanted to know why he wanted me to be his baby girl when he has 2 right here for him. I pick up my pretty princess fork and I stab my eggs. A giggle escapes my throat and I look to the side of me and see Mackenzie staring at me. I whimper and curl up into my body. 

"Hi, Im Mackenzie." She tells me. 

I blink at her and then straighten up slightly. "Hi." I whisper. 

She smiles at me and takes a bite of her food. "Why are you so shy? Daddy will never hurt you." She said and touches my arm. 

I turn my head from her and frown at the bacon on my plate. The other girl on the side of me glared at me when I push my plate from my body. 

"Daddy made that for you. You better eat it." She says and takes a sip from her soppy. 

I poke my tongue out at her and put my arms around my legs. "Why did daddy bring you here?" She asks me. 

"Why did daddy bring you here, Bailyn? I was here all by myself too before you!" Mackenzie says throwing a spoonful of eggs towards her. 

My jaw drops. I put my head into my arms and sink further down towards the ground. A stool falls and then I hear feet run across the floor. Daddy would be so mad. I didn't want daddy to hurt me! I didn't mean to be a brat! Tears leak from my eyes and my body shakes. 

"Look! You made her cry Mackenzie! Daddy is going to punish you! You made her cry! DADDY!" Bailyn screams. 

I crawl along the floor toward the stairs and I quickly run up them, finding the bathroom to where Daddy is. I slam the door behind me and I breathe quickly. I had to tell Daddy I was sorry before he punished me. 

Daddy pokes his head out of the shower and looks down to me. I crawl toward him on the floor and then I cross my leg and curl up on the floor and start to suck on my thumb. 

"Babygirl, what is the matter?" He asks me. 

Tears keep pouring down my face and he shuts the water off. He steps around me and he puts a towel around his waist. He scooped me up in his arm and held me close. I wrap my arms around his neck and I turn my nose into his skin to inhale his smell. 

He rubs up and down my back and I start to feel him unzip my dress. I flinch and look up at him. He rubs my cheek and kisses my forehead. 

"Let Daddy give you a bath baby." He says to me. 

I nod and sit up as daddy pulls my dress of my body. I was happy to get out of it because I was in it for days. Sir did not always let me change my clothes. He takes my sockies off and throws them across the room. daddy looks at my baby boobs and he rubs them. Sir always called my boobies, baby boobs because they're small. 

I gasp and arch my back to his body. 

"daddy won't touch you right now but he wants too." He says to me and kisses my skin. 

Daddy dressed me in a little black dress that had little white unicorns on it. He told me that he would take me shopping so that I did not have to wear Bailyn's clothes. He put white knee sockies on me and he stood me up. 

"You're beautiful baby." He tells me. 

I look up at him and feel like I have to sneeze! I scrunch up my face and daddy brings his hands around my face and he puts a tissue around my nose. "Go ahead and blow baby."

My eyes close and I sneeze into the tissue. Daddy rubs my nose and I sniffle. Daddy picks me up and sits me on his hip and he asks down the stairs into the kitchen. I wrap my legs around his waist and I lean my head on his shoulder. 

"Daddy?" I ask in his ear. 

"I can't sleep without my stuffy and my paci. I can't find it." I say and frown. 

He rubs my back and I look up at him. "daddy will but you all kinds of toys and stuffies today." He says and then he sees the kitchen. He sits me on my feet and he keeps his arm around my waist.

"Go up into Daddy;s room. It is the last door on the right." He says to me. 

I run up the stairs and feel afraid. Daddy was going to punish us!


I cross my legs in front of me and flinch. Sir always yelled at me. 




HI guys! thanks for sticking with me:) I know a few of you have already read these but will you please not forget to comment and vote? Remember it is motivation, even though i already have all of these. Please leave a comment <3 

xoxo, gossip girl 

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