23- Celine

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I nodded and my eyes stayed closed. He gasped audibly and wrapped his arms around my body, kissing my forehead. I finally felt like a weight had been lifted. I no longer had to be angry at him, i no longer had to want to be near him. I could be near him. I forgave him, but I would never forget. 

It won't be hard for us to get to where we were, it will just take little bit of time. I felt bad that Bailyn had to leave because she was here before me. 

I loved him. I didn't want to have to share him with anyone. That was one of the biggest trials of our relationship. Sharing him hurt. It was easier now that Mackenzie was gone, but I liked her, but having more than one baby girl is not something that I want to be a part of. 

"Lina, I love you." He says to me. 

I nod my head and I kept my head laid on his chest.




Ms. Lucy put the final pin in my hair. When she stepped out of my view of the mirror, I gasped. Ms Lucy put a bit of makeup on my face with bold red lipstick. I smiled at her and looked at my white dress. Tonight was Daddy and I's date night do-over. 

I was excited to be able to go out with him. I was excited to be able to redo this night because the last was a disaster. I stood to my feet and Ms. Lucy hugged me. 

"You look beautiful darling. You will have a wonderful time. Please, only do things you are comfortable doing. If you do not feel like being your trie self right now, that is fine. Just mold the relationship back." She says and touched my face. 

She was telling me to be careful of going back into my little space. I closed my eyes and thought of Daddy. I loved him and I had to be weary of him, but I loved him. That I could not deny. I could not hold a mistake over his head but it was hard not too. 

Daddy knocked at my door. He opened it slowly and smiled at me. "You look like a beautiful princess." He says, and brings his hand from behind his back. 

In his hand was a bouquet of roses, a hello kitty stuffy and my favorite food-- rice crispy treats. I smile widely and I run towards him and stumble because of the heels I had on. With his other hand he grabbed me before I could fall. IT was like time froze, as he just held me close to him. 

I started to giggle and cover my mouth up with my hand. He stood up straight, and he too, burst into laughter. 




 Bailyn's POV (Flashing back to before Rem and Lina are going on their date)

I sat at the table and I pushed my food around on my plate. Daddy was sitting next to me and he leaned on his arm. 

"hey, baby girl?" He says to me. 

I looked at him with a big smile on my face cause he loved when I smiled! He loved when I was a happy girl! 

"How about you and daddy go out for a walk? Daddy would like to talk to you." He says to me and he pushed my hair out of my face. 

"Okay!"I scream and I ran upstairs, and pushed passed Celine. 

Daddy was finally going to spend time with me! He was finally going to show me attention! I had to dress like a pretty girl for him and I had to be on my best behavior. 

I ran to my closet and kicked all of my ponies out of the way. I accidentally stepped on Bobo and I sank to my knees to pick him up. 

"I am so sorry Bobo!" I set BoBo on my bed and I went back to my closet. 

I found my pretty baby blue skirt dress with white butterflies on it. I found my white knee socks with bows at the top! I put my kids on. Daddy always loved how I dressed! He always said I was the cutest Bailyn ever!




Ms. Lucy gave daddy a basket of food for us. Me and daddy were going to have a picnic in the pack! I haven't spent time with daddy in so long. I missed him so much. HE was spending all of his time with Celine and I didn't like it. He could spend time with me too. 

After daddy set up the picnic blanket and we fed some ducks a few pieced of bread, we sat down and I bit into my pb&j sandwich!

"B, I need to talk to you." Daddy said to me. 

I bit into my sandwich and nodded quickly to him. "yes daddy." I said and swallowed my food. 

"This is very hard for me and I want you to no that I do love you and care for you. But daddy can only have one baby girl right now." He says sadly. 

I furrowed my eyebrows and I dropped my hands in my lap. "What are you saying?" 

He sighed and he looked at me. "I have to relocate--" 

"Celine? That would be lovely!" I say with sarcasm thick in my voice. 

I stand up quickly and walk away from him. All of my life I had been bussed around. Men never wanted me, my parents didn't want me, and no daddy didn't want me. I have been unwanted by so many people. When I finally get comfortable they pull the rug right out from my feet. What did I do wrong? He wanted me even when Mackenzie was here! He preferred me! But magically when Celine came I get pushed to the side like trash?

I balled up my fists and I pulled my phone out from my dress pocket. Dialing the only other person that I could think would be here for me. 

"Hello?" My mother answered. 

"Mom." I say, on the verge of tears. 

"Did he finally break your heart? And now you want to come crawling back? I've tried telling you Bailyn, this is your own fault. I have tried and tried to break it in your head that a man like him will only use you. You aren't pretty enough or smart enough to keep a man. Im afraid this time I am not going to be your shelter. You ruined that years ago when you fled to be with a man from high school. Time is up Bailyn. Make your own choices now." My mother said to me. 

I dropped my phone from my hands and I put my hands in my eyes. My father and mother, although they kicked me out because I dropped out of high school for my old Daddy, they disowned me. My father was there when my mother turned her back on me, but not this time. In her own sick way my mother loved me. She would usually give me horrible advice but she was my mom and I thought that she could help me. I was so wrong. 

Im not pretty enough for daddy. Im not smart enough for daddy. Im not pretty and I'm not smart. 

I sat on the ground and I watched the ducks swimming in the pond. I crab walked to the edge of of the pong and I put my feet into the water. 

The water looked so pretty.







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