39- Celine

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When I saw Cassandra I had tears in my eyes. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and she started crying. I wrapped my arms around her and I rubbed her back. It had been so long since I had seen her. 

Gavin smirked at me from behind Cassandra and Remy pulled us apart. Remy and Gavin stared at each other and I could tell it was a pissing match. Cassandra held my hand and she stood next to me. Her eyes grew wide as she motioned her eyes towards the door. 





Xander tapped my shoulder and then we both looked at Ric. "Rem, you know he has something up his sleeve. We need to get out of here." 

I looked at Ric. "I want to see what he's got." 

I smirked at my brother and he pulled a chair out from behind the table. We all sat around the table and Gavin stayed standing. 

"Do you know a Chilino? Rem?" Gavin said with a sadistic tone in his voice. 

I cocked my head at him and smirked. Xander and Ric's men stood around Gavin and they were in a protective stance. 

"Xander, would you get Lina and her sister, and Bailyn out of her?" I asked. 

He patted my shoulder and he waved a hand towards the door. Xander's men grabbed each of the girls and escorted them out. 

"Why are you taking them away? The fun was just about to start." Gavin said. 

"They have nothing to do with this." I said. "What are we here for? Im here to get revenge. Im here to do what should have been done months ago." I said standing up from the table. 





Tears were in my eyes as Cassandra and I held onto each other. I didn't want to leave Remy behind. he didn't even let me hug him or say goodbye to him. I don't know why he had my sister but he had something up his sleeve. 

Bailyn was fighting Xander the whole way to the car and Xander had to get onto her several times. 

"Celine, what is going on? Between your boyfriend and the other man?" 

"Cass, I haven't been with Gavin in months. Why were you at his house?" I asked Cassandra. 

"Let me tell you what is going on, Lina." Bailyn started off with a smirk. She crossed her legs and bit her bottom lip. 

"After my daddy kicked me out for the new fuck of the month, I had no where to go. Thats when your daddy picked me up. He told me he would take care of me and has been for the past two months. He's a good fuck, Lina. Why did you leave? Soon daddy won't want you anymore and he will come back to me. Your sissy called him after you and daddy lost your sweet son. I really am sorry for that. Your sissy here has been staying here for a week waiting for Chilino to come so that you don't get killed. Daddy and Chilino go way back. Right Xander?" Bailyn said, and blew out a big breath. 

She started laughing and she looked at Xander. "Celine, just trust him." Xander said and remained quiet. 

I pulled away from Cassandra and looked at her. "You knew? You knew this was a set up and that Remy will get hurt?!" I shouted. 

I stood up in the back of the car and I brought my fist back and it collided with Bailyn's face. "HOW COULD YOU?!" 

Xander took hold of me and I began to squirm. I wanted to be let go. Bailyn began to cry as she held her nose. "You were with him and you are going to let him die." I said to Bailyn and I spit in her direction. 

"And YOU! I do not ever want to talk to you again." I said and shut down, letting Xander hold me down. 





xoxo M

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