16- Remy**

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in case you don't know! ******* means smut! So, this is the first smutty chapter. I must warn you, it is poorly written because this was my first PUBLISHED sex smut whatever you wanna call it, scene. So, your comments on this, especially would be greatly appreciated. Because it its horrible, there will be no more in the future! I will just entirely skip that chapter :) 




My office door creaked open and in came Celine. She was dress in all black; black skirt that fell just over her knees, a black dressy tank top, and black heels. Black material against her tan skin made me grip my knuckles tightly. Lately, Celine has been throwing things to me and she has been purposely dressing like this. 

At home, she was all sweet and cute like my baby girl should be. At work, she was a vixen. The way she would walk in front of me and then accidentally come up and scoot her ass along me drove me crazy. She was insanely beautiful and she was all mine. 

"Yes kitten?" I ask her. 

"Y-your meeting is in 3 minutes." She says and closes the door behind her. 

She walked to her desk in the corner of my office and sits on the edge of the table. She puts her hands on her upper thigh and brings her skirt up slightly. 

"Daddy..." She says with a whine in her voice. 

I close my eyes and straighten my tie. "Celine, baby, I am going to a meeting now. I will see you soon." I say and walk to her. 

I open my arms for her and she immediately runs into them. I pick her up and I hold onto her legs. She wraps her legs around my body and she starts to move her hips into mine. Her lower parts were against mine and a small moan escaper her lips 

"You're h.o.rny little mess." I say and put her down. I walk over to my desk and click a button to call for Taylor. 

"Yes, Sir?" She asks. 

"Delay my meeting for 20 minutes. Im still in a conference call." I say and walk to the front of my office and lock the door. 

Celine nibbles on her bottom lip and I grip her hips and lift her on her desk. I bend down on my knees and look up at her. She quickly grips her skirt and pulls it upward, so it bunches at her hips. I move my hand along her thighs and place kisses on her legs. 

I spread her legs and look directly at her core. Her blue lacy panties were soaked all the way through. I bit my borrow lip and I leaned forward and ran my nose along her center. Celine put her hands in my hair and pulled at the roots. My hand reached towards her panties and I pushed them aside to see her folds. 

My thumb made contact with her swollen c.l.it and her whole body went up in flames. She let out a throaty moan and clenched her thighs around my hand. Her thighs separated as I move my hand, moving my thumb in a slow, circular motion against her. 

I slid two fingers inside of her and I slowly move them, looking up at her. Her eyes were shut tightly and she was breathing quickly. 

"You look at me when I am touching you. You need to look at who can make you feel good." I say, and push my mouth against her. 

I flicke dmi tongue against her cl.i.t quickly, and continued the motion of my finger inside of her, curling my fingers, reaching deeper. She covers her mouth and lets out a loud moan. I smirked and feel her grind her hips against my tongue. 

I stand up fully and take Celine's hand in my hands and I kiss her. Our lips move together and she opened her mouth, sliding my tongue against hers. I wanted so badly to pull my co.c.k out and f.u.c.k. her into next week, but I couldn't. Not here. 

I slid my hand back to her core and thrust my fingers back into her wetness. She moaned and continued to kiss me. "Tell me who's this is." I say, and quickly shake my fingers inside of her to make her legs shake. 

She moans and looks at me. "y-y" She began, but couldn't continue. I felt her muscles clench around my hand and I rubbed her cli.t. until she finished around my hand. 

"Yours daddy." She says and falls onto her back, on her desk. 

I pull away from her and I walk to my desk to grab napkins. I lick my fingers while looking at her and she shys away from me. She closed her legs tightly, pulling her skirt down. 

 I hand her paper towels and watch as she turns her back to me, wiping herself off. I walk behind her and put my hands on her breasts, rubbing her nipples through the material . She leaned her head against my chest and breathed heavily. 

"I have a meeting to get too." I said and turn her around. 

She wrapped her arms around me and I brought my head down to kiss her. 

"Thank you for finally touching my princess parts" She says and starts to giggle. 

"Anytime baby girl. Daddy loves to show you attention in all sorts of ways. How about me and you go on a date tonight? Maybe more love to your princess parts tonight if that is what you want." I asked her. 

Tears fall from her eyes as she looked at me. "Whats wrong baby?" I asked her. 

"You're the best daddy in the world." She says, pulling me into a hug. 

"I have to be, because you're the best baby girl in the world." I say, kissing her forehead.

This girl had me so deep. 




Okay, that was not a full smut obviously. there will be more! i can't just make them jump into it. But thanks for reading! Comments please. Also vote:) at 14k! Woe! Im so excited this is growing. Thank you all!<3


p.s. sorry the update is late! 

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