36- Remy

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A few days later, Celine and I stayed in our bungalow. We cried, we watched television, and we ate until we threw up. Celine didn't want to be left alone. She held onto me so long that I had to shower with her. She was afraid to be alone.

I left her for a moment as she was in the bathtub and I heard a buzzing. I walked to my phone and it was a number calling me that I didn't recognize. I answered and I put the phone to my ear.

"Delgado." I answered.

"Hello, this is Cassandra Sanches."

"Sanches?" I asked.

"As in Celine's sister. Im waiting in New York at her boyfriends house. Where is she?"

I hung up the phone and I walked into the bathroom to see Celine smiling at me. That was the firs time I had seen her smile in days. I handed her a robe and she stood up. The water dripped off of her skin and into the tub.

I averted my eyes to her beautiful face. she grabbed the robe from my hands and she wrapped it around herself. I pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and she grabbed my hand. The balcony door was open and we walked to the table and chairs.

She sat down and propped her feet up on the table. "I got an interesting call." I said.

"From who?" She asked me.

"A Cassandra."

Celine turned her head and looked at me, her eyes big, and she gulped. "How did she get your number?"

"Why don't you start off by telling me who she is? And your boyfriend? Last I checked that was me. We just lost a fucking child together. Who the hell is this boyfriend?" I snapped at her.

She shook her head and she got up. "Don't you mention him." She snapped.

"Who? MY son? Or YOUR boyfriend?" I yelled.

I stood up and I marched into the bungalow and I slammed the door behind me. Since Celine had delivered our son, I had not had time to process the fact that he was a still born baby. Celine had never asked how I was feeling.




Celine didn't bother to come inside or even talk to me. Who was this man that she was with? I laid down on the bed and I put my arm over my head. Tears welled in my eyes and I began to cry. I didn't know that she was pregnant because my son died...

All I felt was anger. How could a baby that had never done in the world be taken? He did not even get a chance to live, to breath, to laugh, to smile. I closed my eyes and I remembered his perfect little face. His little nose and his black hair. He was so small.

I know he would have grown up to be big and strong.

I walked out to the balcony a few hours later and Celine was sitting there watching the sunset. Tonight was our last night here and we would have to leave our baby here.

I sipped on the bottle that was in my hand. Tequila. Celine looked over her shoulder at me with tear stained cheeks. She wiped at her puffy cheeks.

"You want to yell at me some more?" She asked me.

I rolled my eyes at her and I drank the last of the tequila. "Lina, who the fuck is this man?"

"There is no man Remy."

"Bullfuckingshit. Your sister that I never knew you had said there was a man."

"Gavin. She thinks I am with Gavin. It has been months and months since before I saw her. Or even spoken to her."

"That piece of shit! How does she know who I am?"

"Probably from Gavin. I don't know." She said, tears pouring from her eyes.

"Was Isaiah my baby? Or that shit bags?" I snapped.

"Yours." I said.

I flares my nostrils and sat in a chair across from her. "We will be going to see Gavin when we get back. I want to meet this sister of yours."






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